- Design of Presplitting Blasting for High-Steep Slope Cutting in Xiluodu Hydropower Project 溪洛渡水电站高陡边坡开挖预裂爆破设计
- Application and Research of Method of Characteristics in Design of Flip Bucket for Spillway Tunnel at Xiluodu Hydropower Project 特征线法在溪洛渡泄洪洞挑流鼻坎设计中的应用研究
- Xiluodu Hydropower Project 溪洛渡
- Our company is the Gezhouba Group - Construction of the Xiluodu hydropower station and the successful bidder designated supplier of accessories! 我们公司是葛洲坝集团-溪洛渡水电站施工局指定并中标的配件供应商!
- A large number of experiment studies are performed for basalt crushed aggregate alkali activity by different test methods at site of Xiluodu hydropower station. 用多种检测方法对溪洛渡水电站当地的玄武岩人工骨料的碱活性进行了大量的试验研究。
- The underground powerhouse of Xiluodu Hydropower Station is buried deeply, with few roads direct to the outside, long rout and densely distribution of caverns, so that it is difficult to ventilate. 摘要溪洛渡水电站地下厂房洞室群埋层深、直接对外的通道少、线路长、洞室群密集,通风散烟难度非常大。
- The calculation of PMF is very important to the safety of hydropower project, so we must pay more attention to it. 可能最大洪水计算成果关系到水电工程安全问题,必须引起高度的重视。
- A dam is necessary to be detected at regular intervals after a hydropower project begins to run. 大型水利枢纽开始运行以后,需要定期进行大坝安全性检测。
- The overall process of constructing a hydropower project is the sub-period of controlling and leading flood. 摘要水电水利工程建设的总过程就是分时段对水流进行控制和疏导的过程。
- Environment Impact of cascade hydropower project is characterized with accumulating, diffusible and potential effects. 分析了梯级水电工程环境影响具有累积性、波及性和潜在性等特点。
- Arch dam is one of foremost dam types in hydropower projects. 拱坝是水利水电工程中最重要的坝型之一。
- The analytic hierarchy process is used to evaluate the bid of hydropower project and contract management in practical duty. 结合水电工程项目招标和合同管理工作实践,应用数学理论AHP方法(层次分析法),进行水电工程项目招标评审,具有较强的针对性和实用性。
- Under the present favorable situation of hydropower development, it has great significance to reconsider the construction period of hydropower project. 在目前水电大开发的有利形势下,重新认识水电工程的建设工期,具有重要的现实意义。
- The Inga hydropower project could generate twice as much electricity as the world's largest dam, the Three Gorges in China. 英加水电站的发电量可能是目前世界上最大的水坝--中国三峡大坝的两倍。
- The Tuka hydropower project is a medium-sized hydropower development with a roller compacted concrete gravity dam in Yunnan province,China. 云南土卡河水电站是一个中型水电工程,拦河坝为碾压混凝土重力坝。
- The flow characteristic curve of the tail regulator gate of GHAZI-BAROTHA hydropower project has been obtained by hydraulic model test. 通过GHAZI-BAROTHA水电工程尾部节制闸水工模型试验,获得了过闸流量-开度-尾水位水流特性曲线。
- Study on the heavy cargo wharf for xiluodu hydropower station 金沙江溪洛渡电站水富重大件码头研究
- If and when completed, the Grand Inga hydropower project is expected to export power to countries in the region and others as far as Nigeria and Egypt. 如果兴建大英加水电站,那么在这项工程完工时,预计它将能向这一地区的其它国家出口电力,还能向尼日利亚和埃及等国远距离供电。
- World Energy Council Secretary General Gerald Doucet says one solution is the Inga hydropower project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 世界能源理事会秘书长杜斯特说,解决这一问题的一个办法是刚果民主共和国的英加水电站。
- The penstocks of all the ten turbine-generator units in Fengman Hydropower Project were manufactured and assembled in 1940s. 丰满1-10号水电机组的压力钢管是日伪时期制造、安装的。