- Xie jiang qing acupuncturist 谢江清中医针灸师
- And,of course,so did Lin Biao and Jiang Qing. 林彪、江青更不用说了。
- But Chairman Mao and Jiang Qing lived separately for years. 但毛主席和江青已分居多年。
- Jiang Qing did evil things by flaunting the banner of Chairman Mao. 江青本人是打着毛主席的旗帜干坏事的。
- How would you assess Jiang Qing? What score would you give her? 对江青你觉得应该怎么评价,给她打多少分?
- Lin Biao and Jiang Qing formed counter-revolutionary cliques. 林彪、江青是反革命集团。
- Answer: Jiang Qing did evil things by flaunting the banner of Chairman Mao. 邓:江青本人是打着毛主席的旗帜干坏事的。
- Later he wrote the two instructions on literary and art work,and Jiang Qing's stuff began to surface. 然后就是两个文艺批示,江青那一套陆续出来了。
- During that event Jiang Qing had asked her name and she had replied, "Hu Bingbing", a gibe name that means "very mild. 这时,我看她的白色短袖衬衫上有血迹,后来,才从传闻中听说,原来打她们的棍子头端是钉着铁钉的。
- Jiang Qing Yu Zhou and from above the left dismantling the nets, splashing Kim, Chi Mei scenery. 渔舟往来于青江之上,渔网抛撤处,金珠飞溅,景色奇美。
- During the "cultural revolution", by Lin biao and jiang qing counterrevolutionary group's cruel persecution, imprisoned for 5 years. “文化大革命”期间,深受林彪、江青反革命集团的残酷迫害,被囚禁达5年之久。
- When it came, a mere four sentences described his career as “one of the culprits of the Lin Bao and Jiang Qing Counter-revolutionary Clique”. 在这仅有四句话的新闻中,将他说成是“林彪江青反革命集团的主犯之一”。
- Jiang Qing persecutes not only the advanced cadre of party and country, and still persecute the staff member beside her. 江青不仅迫害党和国家的高级干部,而且还迫害她身边的工作人员。
- Unfortunately, the idea of Coke, not enough time to get practice, Jiang Qing said they groundlessly Jiaoju hidden this person very bad. 中华人民共和国成立以后,他曾担任过中国文学艺术界联合会的全国委员,中国戏剧家协会的常务理事兼艺术委员会主任,第二、三、四届中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会委员。
- Answer: Jiang Qing did what she did by flaunting the banner of Chairman Mao,but he failed to intervene effectively. For this he should be held responsible. 邓:江青打着毛主席的旗帜搞,毛主席干预不力,这点,毛主席是有责任的。
- But when Xue Yong dismissed Jiang Qing's theory of reciting cannons as "a conservatism leading to obscurantism", Qiu Feng immediately came to Jiang's defence. 薛涌称蒋庆的读经理论是“走向蒙昧的文化保守主义”,秋风则起而为蒋庆辩护。
- Game regulation of Jiang Qing is, there is the branch of good person and hellion only on the world, those who support her is good person, those who object her is hellion. 江青的游戏规则是,世界上只有好人与坏人之分,拥护她的就是好人,反对她的就是坏人。
- Answer: Jiang Qing did what she did by flaunting the banner of Chairman Mao, but he failed to intervene effectively. For this he should be held responsible. 邓:江青打着毛主席的旗帜搞,毛主席干预不力,这点,毛主席是有责任的。
- When Mao died in 1976, there was a power struggle in the party between the Maoist radicals led by Mao's widow, Jiang Qing and the moderates led by by Deng Xiaoping. 1976年毛泽东死后,党内出现了两股势力的权力斗争。一股是由毛泽东遗孀江青所领导的激进派,一股是由邓小平领导的稳健派。
- When Jiang Qing of manager of osmund appearance brand is speaking, limited company of elegant China of Lai of French Paris Europe still does not conceal inner excitement. 法国巴黎欧莱雅中国有限公司薇姿品牌经理姜庆在讲话时依然掩饰不住内心的兴奋。