- Xie Jin mode 谢晋模式
- Xie Jin komencis sian planon filmi “La Opia Milito”. 后面的 la Opia Milito 应该用目的格形式。
- Originally, on November 21, Director Xie Jin will welcome a 85th birthday. 原来,今年11月21日,谢晋导演就将迎来85岁生日。
- All people should use the study to express to Xie Jin's cherishing the memory. 所有人应该用学习来表达对谢晋的缅怀。
- Xie Jin also has a famous saying, that is “the pure personhood, acts in a play earnestly”. 谢晋还有一句名言,那就是“清清白白做人,认认真真演戏”。
- Covers door's that moment respectfully, Ruan Zhenqiu had not thought that this can be last time sees Xie Jin. 恭恭敬敬掩上房门的那一刻,阮振球没有想到,这会是自己最后一次见到谢晋。
- Xie Jin lives before death thriftily, after dying, also conforms to simplicity the ceremony. 谢晋生前生活俭朴,死后也将仪式从简。
- Cui Jie indicated that Xie Jin is one upright and never stooping to flattery, the very earnest person. 崔杰表示,谢晋是一个刚正不阿、非常认真的人。
- The Xie Jin tear, never and acclaims the moral nature love, recounts to the son and has expressed! 谢晋泪,是从来没有把心底的爱和赞叹,向儿子述说和表示过!
- Xie Jin from has not carried on for his movie any has hyped, has not heard any scandal. 谢晋从没有为自己的电影进行过任何炒作,更没有听说过什么绯闻。
- Photographs preceding day, Xie Jin inspects actually flies into a rage, does not permit to begin shooting. 拍摄前一天,谢晋来检查却大发雷霆,不准开拍。
- Surmounts Xie Jin, once became a slogan, one kind of determination and a posture. 超越谢晋,一度成为一个口号、一种决心和一个姿态。
- At this moment, be turn for Xie Jin, he stalks of grain without the speech, grab a few phenomena that mike begins reprimand China filmdom to exist. 这时,轮到谢晋了,他没有演讲稿,抓起话筒便开始斥责中国电影界存在的一些现象。
- Opens Aly to believe that Xie Jin's work has been seeking for the human nature real thing, this affected profoundly to afterward direction. 张阿利认为,谢晋的作品一直都在寻找人性真实的东西,这对后来的导演影响深远。
- Has renowned female Director Huang Shuqin who with Xie Jin deep excites the emotions, after learning the sad news, immerses deeply in sorrowful. 与谢晋有着深厚师生情的著名女导演黄蜀芹,获知噩耗后,沉浸在深深的悲痛中。
- Xie Jin's movie one has not been the graphic solution history, succumbs to the wind flower harvest moon, or transmission nihility values. 谢晋的电影没有一部是图解历史,沉湎于风花秋月,或传递虚无的价值观。
- No matter the star or the populace, everybody lines up enters, after looking at reverently Xie Jin's deceased remains, leaves. 不论明星还是民众,大家均排队进入,瞻仰一下谢晋的遗容之后就离开。
- Once actor Pan Hong who raised takes along indicated by Xie Jin one that Xie Dao died lets her spiritual prop but actually. 曾经由谢晋一手提携的演员潘虹更表示,谢导的去世让自己的精神支柱倒了。
- Waits for him to lay down the baggage, Ruan Zhenqiu and another two alumni association members then accompanies Xie Jin to dine together. 等他放下行李,阮振球和另两位校友会成员便陪着谢晋一同去用餐。
- What is most striking, this investigation rock row in third movie master of art Xie Jin actually wailsome desire certainly. 最醒目的是,这次调查中排在第三名的电影艺术大师谢晋却让人悲痛欲绝。