- Xibaipo Memorial 西柏坡纪念馆
- A mound of stones erected as a memorial or marker. 锥形石冢一堆石头,用于表示纪念或标志
- His memorial was engraved on the stone. 纪念他的碑文刻在石碑上。
- A memorial stone set at the head of a grave. 墓石竖在墓前的纪念性石碑
- The church service is a memorial to the disaster victim. 该礼拜仪式是悼念这场灾难中的受害者。
- The church service is a memorial to those killed in the war. 这次教堂礼拜是对战争中阵亡者的纪念仪式。
- The service is a memorial to those killed in the war. 祈祷仪式是为纪念在战争中牺牲的人。
- The site of the memorial is granted in perpetuity to Canada. 纪念馆址已选定在加拿大作为永久的纪念。
- This memorial commemorates those who died in the war. 这座纪念碑是纪念战争中牺牲者的。
- The College was founded in memorial of Dr. Owen. 该学院是为了纪念欧文博士创建的。
- In the open air, we held a memorial meeting. 我们在室外举行了追悼会。
- It is a memorial to the martyrs. 这是烈士纪念碑。
- Did you attend the memorial meeting? 追悼会你参加了吗?
- This is a memorial volume of the Second World War. 这是第二次世界大战的纪念册。
- They set up a memorial for this hero. 他们为这位英雄立了一座纪念碑。
- They addressed the memorial to the legislature. 他们向立法机构提交请愿书。
- Xibaipo revolution from the Holy Land, only 15 km, is the only way to Xibaipo. 距革命圣地西柏坡仅有15公里,是通往西柏坡的必经之路。
- They'd dedicated the War Memorial in the Square. 他们已经在广场上建立了南北战争纪念碑。
- Pingshan is located in the central town of Xibaipo, Gangnan Reservoir north. 西柏坡镇位于平山县中部,岗南水库西北岸。
- Why are we holding this memorial meeting? 为什么要开这样的追悼会呢?