- Xiaohe Hydropower Station 小河水电站
- Influence of Jinping I Hydropower Station on Us? 锦屏一级电站将带给我们什么?
- Dongfeng hydropower station is open ski spillway. 东风水电站溢洪道为明流滑雪式溢洪道。
- Myanmar Yeywa hydropower station. 缅甸耶涯水电站
- They are going to dam up the river to set up a hydropower station. 他们准备拦江筑坝建水电站。
- Hydropower Station Bridge Crane is a crane with a type. 水电站用桥式起重机是起重机的一种类型。
- Yinzidu hydropower station began ponding in April,2003. 引子渡水电站于2003年4月下闸蓄水。
- They have got out a scheme to build a hydropower station in the hills. 他们已作出计划,准备在山里建造一座水电站。
- Well do I remember the day when the hydropower station was put into operation. 我清清楚楚地记得水电站开始发电的那一天。
- Ertan hydropower station is the first power station built on Yalong River. 摘要二滩水电站是雅砻江梯级开发的第一个水电站。
- Therefore, we support the construction of the Sancha hydropower station. 会议中没有出现反对该项目建设的意见。
- This paper presents the turbine model acceptance test and the test results of Feilaixia hydropower station. 简要介绍了飞来峡水电站水轮机的模型验收试验的情况及结果。
- Economic operation of hydropower station is very important for electric power system. 摘要水电站经济调度是电力系统调度的重要环节。
- Practice proved that the option on electromechanical equipment for Letan hydropower station was rational. 实践证明,乐滩水电站机电设备的选型是合理的。
- Dam core impervious material quality is critical to dam quality of Shiquanhe hydropower station. 大坝心墙防渗掺合料的生产质量是狮泉河水电站大坝质量控制的关键。
- Study on Existing Environment of Hydropower Station during System Reform Period. 水力发电厂转型期相关生存环境剖析与研究。
- Study on safety monitoring information management system of Tianshengqiao Hydropower Station No. 天生桥一级水电站安全监测信息管理系统。
- For air cushion surge chamber at Jinkang hydropower station, air cushion is enclosed by reinforced concrete embedded with a thin steel sheet. 金康水电站气垫式调压室钢包方案,是依靠钢筋混凝土夹一层薄钢板封闭气体。
- The reservoir of Longtan Hydropower Station will inundate some areas of Guizhou and Guangxi Provinces, with large inundation area and a lot of relocated people. 摘要龙滩水电站水库淹没涉及贵州、广西两省区,淹没面积大、移民人数多。
- The article praises the speed and spirit showed in the construction of Letan hydropower station. 摘要文章赞扬乐滩建设速度和乐滩精神。