- Xiang army culture 湘军文化
- The expansion of the modem Hunan gentry forces benefits considerably from the establishment of Zeng Guofans Xiang Army. 近代湖南绅权势力的膨胀得益于曾国藩创办的湘军。
- The strategy and practice of Xiang army and its outstanding leader Zeng Guo-fan indicated outset of the neoteric military modernization. 湘军及其杰出领导者曾国藩的军事思想及军事实践标志着近代中国军事现代化的开端。
- However, Xiang Army is not the royal soldiers, and its recruitment and disarmament are rather frequent during its existence. 但是由于湘军不是清王朝的经制之兵,即使在其存在期间,招募与裁撤也是比较频繁的。
- Li did not conceal his positive attitude to this march in himself.His estimation to Xiang Army's actual strength affected his military practice during the Westwards March. 李秀成本人并不讳言自己对第二次西征的消极态度,对湘军实力的估计始终左右着他在西征中的军事行动。
- HU Lin-Yi is not only one of the founders of the well-known "Xiang Army" in later Qing Dynasty, but also an outstanding representative of the modern Neo-Confucianism characterized pragmatical theory. 胡林翼是晚清湘军的创始人之一,也是近代理学经世派的杰出代表。
- We study the two aspects achievements of person's training and technology development in order to evaluate the influences of Xiang army on military modernization of neoteric history of China. 通过考察湘军在近代中国军事人才的培养(人)和军事技术的发展(器)两方面的成就,可了解到湘军对于近代中国军事现代化的积极影响。
- The Social Sail for the Birth of Xiang Army 湘军发祥的社会土壤
- Tao Shu and "Three heroes of the Xiang Army" 陶澍和"湘军三杰"
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敌军在我军的攻击下垮了。
- Appearance of Xiang Army and Early Modern Material Life in Hunan 湘军兴起与近代早期湖南物质生活演变的特点
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。
- He was one of the apostles of the new culture. 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
- The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy. 这支军队击败了比他们强大得多的敌军,赢得了奇迹般的胜利。
- The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers. 新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。
- The army was disbanded when the war came to an end. 战争结束时,军队即被解散。
- He served one month with the Air Army in Kuwait. 他在科威特的空军里服役1个月。
- Greece, the cradle of Western culture. 希腊,西方文化的发源地。