- Xiamen New World Xiangyu Terminals Company Limited, a subsidiary of Xiamen Xiang Yu Group Corporation and NWS Port Management Limited, completed the assets amalgamation of Berth no.12-16 in Dongdu Port District in December 2002. 厦门象屿集团有限公司与香港新创建港口管理有限公司于2002年12月完成属下之东渡港区12-16号泊位的合并。
- Xiang Yu group 项羽集团
- Lady Yu was in Xiang Yu's company on all his campaigns. 虞姬一直在军中随项羽征战。
- Xiang Yu gallantly conquered one city after another. 项羽英勇打仗攻克了一个又一个城池。
- With this, she cut her own throat with the sword in her hand, so as not to be a source of worry for Xiang Yu. 为解除项羽的后顾之忧,歌毕自刎。
- The spring began cooling with Yu the Great,/The rock flew hither from where Xiang Yu is. “泉自禹时冷起,峰从项处飞来”。
- She then went back home to let her father know about what had happened. Before long, Lady Yu and Xiang Yu were married. 回家禀告父亲,与项羽结了良缘。
- The native place of Xiang Yu is located at the ancient Wotong Lane, birthplace of the Overlord in the West Chu Period. 项王故里位于宿城古梧桐巷,为西楚霸王项羽的出生地。
- King Taylan, metal crafts,gu diao , ivory and other products with ethnic characteristics,xiang yu hai nei wai . 景泰兰、金属工艺品、骨雕、牙雕等具有民族特色的产品,享誉海内外。
- Does anticreep of use Xiang Yu the Conqueror wash hair fluid what to side effect have? 使用霸王防脱洗发液有没有什么副作用?
- If Xiang Yu is alive, should be compared with her, who be after all ' force unplugs Shan Xi enrages matchless ' ! 如果项羽在世,应该和她来比一比,到底是谁‘力拔山兮气盖世’!”
- National or foreign individuals or company is welcomed to either individually or cooperate with Hao Yu Group to complete building Hai Rong Hotel. 拟在国内外诚征个人或公司独家或合伙加盟与我方合作,共同完成在建中的海容大酒店。
- I say, this is clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror, I go up no longer your website shopped. 我说,这是霸王条款,我不再上你的网站买东西了。
- The Chun Yu Group was founded in kangshan,kaohsiung country,in 1949 by the three brothers LiLie-yun,Li Chun-yu,and Li Chun-tang. 春雨集团由李氏三兄弟烈云、春雨、春堂与1949年创立于台湾高雄,经营各种精密紧固件产品。
- General Xiang Yu was a rare exception to the norm, a warrior who conquered by being unpredictably rational. 项羽是一个非常与众不同的例外,用义无反顾的理性(译者注:unpredictablyrational,此处对应前面的可知的不合理PredictablyIrrational)征服敌人的勇士。
- Xiang Yu, the king of Chu, was besieged at a place called Caixia by the Han army led by Liu Bang. 楚王项羽被汉王刘邦的军队紧紧地围困在垓下这个地方。
- However, Xiang Yu quickly mustered his army for a large-scale counterattack that brought heavy losses to the Han army. 但项羽迅速集结兵力,大举反攻,汉军因此伤亡惨重。
- The sound that oppugns " of clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror of telegraphic domain " is incessant Yu Er. 质疑电信领域"霸王条款"的声音不绝于耳。
- Si Maqian's Shi Ji-Xiang Yu's Biography portrays Xiang Yu's image lifelike, which makes Xiang Yu's image have truth of history and glamour of art. 简述楚霸王项羽的形象被司马迁的《史记.;项羽本纪》刻画得栩栩如生;其形象既有历史的真实;又具艺术的魅力。
- The Fortress of Xiang Yu is the scene of the perennially touching story of the tragic parting of Xiang Yu from his beloved Lady Yu. 流传千古的“霸王别姬”故事,就发生在这座霸王城里。