- Xiadian minefield 夏店井田
- They flanked the minefield and continued north. 他们绕过雷区,继续往北。
- I do not think I will step into a minefield. 我觉得不是去闯“地雷阵”。
- International law is a minefield for anyone not familiar with its complexity. 国际法这一领域,不熟悉其复杂性则寸步难行。
- Tax can be a minefield for the unwary. 粗心大意的人在纳税方面很容易出错。
- Such is the disarmament minefield of today. 这便是今日裁军领域暗流汹涌的状况;
- The aim of the game is to clear the minefield. 这个游戏就是要你把雷区标明。
- He sprang from the minefield with surprising agility. 他异常敏捷地跳离布雷区。
- The Chinese offensive lineup can be a minefield for opposing blockers. 中国队的进攻阵容像一个地雷区,能迷惑住对方的拦网队员。
- Approaching Tripoli our ships ran into a new minefield. 在驶近的黎波里港时,我们的船只进入一个新布雷区。
- For institutions, these issues create a legal minefield. 对高等学府来说,这些问题成了法律上的敏感区域。
- Mining subsidence affects ecological environment of minefield. 采煤塌陷,严重破坏了矿区的生态环境。
- Jocelyn: Reading Jane Austen is a freaking minefield. 乔斯琳:读简.;奥斯汀的小说本来就是一个畸形的雷区。
- They are going to be soldiering on across a minefield. (他们不顾一切,勇往直前,通过布雷地区。
- "It is a minefield, as everyone has such strong feelings about it. “这个是敏感话题,大家都对此有强烈感受。
- Research on High-concentration Tailings Filling Technology in Xiadian Mining Co. Ltd. 夏甸矿业有限公司高浓度尾砂充填技术的研究。
- Then, the Totenkopf's tank crews found they had blundered into a minefield. “骷髅”师的装甲兵发现他们进入了一个雷场。
- The latest group to tiptoe into the minefield is led by Lisa DeBruine, of the University of St Andrews, in Scotland. 最近悄悄进入这一雷区的一个小组是由苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学的德布鲁尼领导的。
- But given the bad anti-China mood in Washington,it looks like you are going to walk into another minefield. 但是考虑到现在华盛顿出现了一种很不好的反华的情绪,看来您的美国之行就好像您要踏入另一片“雷区”。
- As I just mentioned now,I do not think my visit will lead me into a minefield,only that l will encounter a negative atmosphere in the United States. 这不是个“地雷阵”,只是我的确感觉到美国的气氛不太友好。