- Keywords Xenopus Laeuis;digestive tract;5-hydroxy tryptamine; 非洲爪蟾;消化道;5-羟色胺;
- Xenopus Laeuis 非洲爪蟾
- Scaling of BMP gradients in xenopus embryos. 骨形态发生蛋白梯度结垢爪蟾胚胎。
- Fig.3 The normal demembranated sperm of Xenopus laevis(stained with DAPI). 图3在荧光镜下观察到的正常非洲爪蟾去膜精子。
- SDCT1 was transcribed in vitro and expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. 应用爪蟾卵母细胞异源性表达SDCT1,并使用双电极电压钳法记录通道电流。
- Abstract: Embryos at different developmental stages are obtained by transplanting ?Xenopus laevis blastomere unclei to ?Bufo raddei unfertilized eggs. 文摘:将非洲爪蟾胚胎细胞核移入花背蟾蜍成熟未受精卵后,得到了发育至各期的胚胎。
- Epithin and XMT-SPI are the homologue genes of SNC19 in mouse and in Xenopus Laevis. 胞系C0LO205、SW480、SW620中SNC19蛋白的表达状况进行检测,发现
- The study used African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis), known as the "lab rat" of amphibian toxicology studies. 然而,另一蛙种得出的结果则使人对如此低剂量的作用产生了怀疑。
- This paper presents an improved method of preparing Xenopus oocytes for ion channel gene expression. 作者基于离子通道研究的实验需要,提出了一种用于离子通道基因表达的卵母细胞的制备方法。
- Conclusion These results indicated that PAK2 might involved in Xenopus oocytes cytokinesis. 结论 PAK2可能参与爪蟾卵母细胞的细胞质分裂过程。
- This manual contains a comprehensive collection of protocols for the study of early development in Xenopus embryos. 书中既包含了初学者需要了解的基础知识,也涵盖了资深研究者所需的细节。
- For this research we turn to animal models with simple wiring patterns, the zebrafish and Xenopus frog. 我的实验室是研究嗅觉系统的发育和再生,以理解潜在的可用于脑修复的细胞和分子机制。
- Methods The cell-free system was prepared by ultracentrifugation of Xenopus eggs and activated by cytochrome C. 方法超速离心制备非洲爪蟾卵无细胞体系,用细胞色素C激活为凋亡体系。
- Fan Chun-lei, et al.Effect of Ligustrazine on the human scavenger receptor-AI expressed in Xenopus oocytes.Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin. 范春雷,高丽萍,沃兴德,等。川芎嗪对爪蟾卵母细胞外源清道夫受体基因表达的影响。中国药理学通报。
- The present article is a review of PPAR involvement in some aspects of Xenopus lae-vis and rodent embryonic development. 本文是就PPAR在一些脊椎动物胚胎发育过程中的功能方面作一综述。
- The results show that the blastomere nuclei of ?Xenopus laevis induces the parthenogenesis of unfertilized egg in ?Bufo raddei. 根据实验分析认为,非洲爪蟾的胚胎细胞核进入花背蟾蜍成熟卵后,引起的是花背蟾蜍的单性发育。
- Recently, rat, zebrafish, and Xenopus have been added, and we anticipate arraying (and sharing) cDNA libraries from additional species over time. 近来大鼠,斑马鱼和非洲有爪水生蛙(Xenopus)的研究陆续加入,我们预期排列(和共享)新加入研究物种的互补脱氧核糖核酸数据库也会陆续产生。
- Shortly afterwards, his twin brother and two other ancient Xenopus brother have also admitted to the Commercial Press.搞创作with them, illustrator. 不久,他的孪生兄弟古蟾和另外两个弟弟也相继考入商务印书馆。他们一同搞创作,画插图。
- Aim To study the mutual influence of membrane current induced by receptors with diverse coupling modes in Xenopus oocytes. 目的研究不同偶联模式的兴奋性氨基酸受体所介导非洲爪蟾卵母细胞跨膜电流的相互影响。
- For the past year, I have been working with a subset of neuronal glutamate receptors via voltage clamping on Xenopus oocytes. 过去的一年里,我一直在研究在蛙卵上神经元谷氨酸受体的一个子集通过电压箝位的现象。