- Wuling ethnic areas 武陵民族区
- Foster the Ability to Develop by Itself in Sichuan Ethnic Areas. 四川民族地区自我发展能力建设问题。
- By taking Enshi prefecture as an example, this paper studies the traffic economic belt in ethnic areas. 摘要本文以恩施土家族苗族自治州为例对民族地区交通经济带进行研究。
- To attain this objective, it is of great practical significance to conduct bilingual education in ethnic areas. 达到这一目的,在少数民族地区实行双语教学具有巨大的现实意义。
- Many large cities in the United States and around the world have an ethnic area called Chinatown. 美国及全世界很多大城市都有一个叫做“唐人街”的少数民族居住地。
- The issue of talented personnel is the key factor that greatly affects the sustainable economic development in the ethnic areas. 摘要在影响民族地区经济可持续发展的诸因素中,人才问题无疑是关键性因素。
- The author holds that these country fairs play a positive role in livening up rural markets in ethnic areas and flourishing commodity economy. 文章从历史学的角度对近代以来右江流域圩市发展状况、成因及其局限性作了初步探讨。
- Three Gorges ethnic areas are the most important ecological region in the middle reaches of the Yangtze,where industrial economy development lags behind. 三峡库区民族地区是长江中游最重要的生态区,但其工业经济发展比较滞后。
- The past financial preferential policies to the ethnic areas can be regarded as financial transfer payment systems in an extensive meaning and transitional systems. 民族地区曾经历了以财政优惠形式出现的宽泛意义的财政转移支付制度和过渡期转移支付制度。
- The goal of building Affluent society in all aspects which was issued in the Sixteenth congress of Chinese Communist Party, It points out the orientation for the ethnic areas. 摘要党的十六大提出了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,为民族地区的发展指明了方向。民族地区人力资源开发是促进民族地区经济发展的决定因素。
- To build a well-off society in ethnic areas, it is necessary to put stress on infrastructural facilities construction, industrial structure adjustment, extending practical skills and talent training. 民族地区农村小康社会建设必须紧紧抓住基础设施建设、产业结构调整、实用技术推广与人才培训以及基层组织建设等几个重点。
- Article66 The People's Congress of an autonomous ethnic area has the power to enact autonomous decree and special decree in light of its ethnic political, economic and cultural characteristics. 第六十六条民族自治地方的人民代表大会有权依照当地民族的政治、济和文化的特点,制定自治条例和单行条例。
- An Analysis of the HRD Barriers in the Ethnic Areas 边疆少数民族地区人力资源开发的障碍分析
- tourism colleges in ethnic areas 民族地区高等旅游院校
- Sichuan Liangshan Yis ethnic areas 四川凉山彝族地区
- the ethnic areas of Southeast Chongqing 渝东南民族地区
- boundary ethnic areas in some provinces 省际边界民族地区
- Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike. 受罢工影响最严重的是乡村地区。
- Peter : Is the Wuling Lake round? 彼得:雾灵湖是圆形的吗?
- local university of ethnic areas 地方院校