- Who on Earth Fired First in Wuchang Uprising? 到底是谁打响了武昌首义第一枪?
- The Wuchang Uprising fired the first shot against the feudal imperial regime. 武昌起义打响了推翻封建朝廷的第一枪。
- Wuchang Uprising in 1911 has beening closely linked with the urban moder naziation of Wuhan. 武昌首义与武汉城市现代化有着密切关系。
- Wuchang Uprising Revolution when the soldiers into the Fengtai conspiracy to overthrow the Ching court, fled to Shanghai because of the leak. 辛亥武昌起义时,密谋进兵丰台,推翻清廷,因泄密逃往上海。
- Today, it is an important way for Wuhan to be modem and internatioonalized to fully utilize the history and culture resource of Wuchang Uprising. 在今天的历史条件下,大力开发和充分利用首义历史文化资源,是将武汉建设成为“现代化国际城市”的重要途径。
- October 1911 city Wuchang Uprising, he returned from overseas, he was prepared to Shanghai's residential emperor in Baochang Road 408 (now Huaihai though 650 get 3rd Huaihai though primary location). 1911年10月辛亥武昌起义后,他从海外归来,沪军都督府为他准备的住宅在宝昌路408号(即现在的淮海中路650弄3号淮海中路小学所在地)。
- Museum of Wuchang Uprising of 1911 Revolution 辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆
- Site of the Military Government of the Wuchang Uprising 武昌起义军政府旧址
- Site of the Military Government of the Wuchang Uprising 武昌起义军政府旧址
- Burning the Opium, the Jintian Uprising, the Wuchang Uprising, the May Fourth Movement, the May 30th Movement of 1925, 依次是《焚烧鸦片》、《金田起义》、《武昌起义》、《五四运动》、《五卅运动》、
- The Strategic Decision- making and the Application the Communists in Hubei Adopted and made in the Wuchang Uprising 武昌起义期间湖北革命党人的谋略决策与运用
- On Zhang Jian's New Political Stand after the Wuchang Uprising: Its Causes and the Positive Effects on the Revolution of 武昌起义后张謇政治立场转变的原因及对辛亥革命胜利的积极作用
- The Wuchang uprising on October 10,1911, which led to the downfall of the Ching Dynasty and the birth of the Republic of China 武昌起义
- Have you read the pronunciamento of the uprising? 你读过了这个起义的宣言吗?
- The Nanchang Uprising marked a new stage for the revolution. 南昌起义标志着革命进人了新阶段。
- The king put down the uprising and killed all the slaves involved. 国王镇压了那次起义,杀死了所有参加起义的奴隶。
- the Wuchang uprisingn. 武昌起义
- Wuchang Uprising 武昌起义(1911)
- He saw vaguely the ship he had deserted uprising before him. 他隐约看见他所丢弃的船在他面前升了起来。
- The peasants staged an uprising against the corrupt officials. 农民举行起义反对贪官污吏。