- The argument was determined by a third party. 争论由第三方裁决。
- All efforts of mediation by a third party were in vain at all. 第三方所作的从中调解的一切努力均告失败。
- Wrought by a third party 是第三者造成的
- These documents are protected from observation by a third party by encryption. 所有这些文档都通过加密的方法防止被第三方观察。
- Dipa Ma's abbilities in this regard were once tested by a third party. 蒂帕嬷的这方面的神通曾由第三方测试过。
- Buyer shall promptly notify Seller of any infringement by a third party of intellectual property rights licensed to Buyer under this Contract. 买方应将第三方侵犯本合同项下许可给买方的知识产权及时通知卖方。
- Where rights are claimed by a third party, the lessee shall notify the lessor promptly. 第三人主张权利的,承租人应当及时通知出租人。
- For writing to files because your code would be open to misuse by a third party. 否则,您的代码会任凭第三方滥用。
- A strike is a mass refusal to work by a body of employee. 罢工就是大量雇员集体拒绝工作。
- And any information you send back could be observed by a third party while in transit. 和您发回的任何信息在传输过程中可能会被第三方观察到。
- Data Integrity: The means used to prove that information has not been modified by a third party while in transit. 数据完整性:它的意思通常证明信息在传输中没有被第三方的部分修改过。
- The best way to settle disputes is through friendly negociation or conciliation by a third party. 解决争议最好的方法是友好协商或是由第三方进行调解。
- This is accomplished over an out-of-band channel such as a connection proxied by a third party or a UDP/STUN session. 这是完整地经过一个不得穿越的链路,就像是通过一个第三方的或是UDP/STUN会话的连接代理。
- The Quality System of the company is audited twice internally and once by a third party every year. 公司质量管理体系每年进行两次审核,每年接受一次第三方年度监督审核。
- It also makes a crippled system, previously transferred to virtual hardware by a third party tool, 100% bootable. 这也使得一个残缺的系统,以前转让的第三方工具,虚拟硬件,100%25启动。
- You receive copyright strikes when we are notified by a third party that a video of yours infringes their copyright. 如第三方通知我们您的影片侵害他们的版权,您就会收到版权警告。
- A loan by a lender to a customer without the use of a third party,direct lending gives the lender greater discretion in making loans. 贷方没有通过第三者放款给借方的贷款,使贷方有更大的处理权的直接借贷。
- The Merseyside club have been contacted by a third party acting for Madrid and Owen, investigating the possibility of a move. 这个默西赛德的俱乐部被与皇马和欧文联系起来,调查转会的可行性。
- She doesn't do her share of the work by a long shot. 她用不光彩的手段逃掉了自己该完成的那份任务
- Valid together with a personal BahnCard, Credit Card or Cash Card (Maestro) only. Non-transferable, not bookable by a third party! 那我是否不能帮家人一起买。一定要选择邮寄啊。因为不在德国,有点担心,现在急着要买,麻烦大家了。