- Wounds and jinuries 创伤和损伤
- They take Cue and wash his wounds and bind them up. 他们领寇依进去,为他洗伤口,包扎起来。
- Avoid applying on open wounds and bruised areas. 不适合贴在伤口部位。
- Arnoldus survived his wounds and mended slowly. 阿诺尔德斯的枪伤没有要了他的命,伤口慢慢好了起来。
- Wounds and ulcers can granulate. 伤口和溃疡的地方会长出肉芽。
- Wounds and ftustration vaporise in rest. 创伤与苦恼,在安息中自然清除。:
- The doctor dressed his wounds and laid him down under the tent. 医生给他扎好了伤口,让他躺在帐篷底下。
- Time will heal all wounds and replace them with new ones. 时间将治愈创伤并用新的伤口来代替。
- Myrrh will be healing and antiseptic for wounds and abrasions. 没药有抗菌作用及可促进伤口复原。
- It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds and drives away his fear. 抚平了他的烦忧,治愈了他的伤。
- I know Slavik is licking his wounds and hatching new plans. 我猜斯拉维克现在一定在一边舔伤口一边策划新行动。
- Teach received five pistol shots and 20 severe sword wounds and was still wielding his cutlass with blood gushing out of a neck wound. 到了1717年底,他抢到了个法国船,并重新命名为"玛莉皇后的复仇"他并建立了四个船的军队并继续掠夺船。
- He was wounded and had to yield himself prisoner. 他受伤后不得不投降做俘虏。
- He's seriously wounded and needs careful nursing. 他伤得很重,要细心看护。
- Their duty is to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. 他们的责任是救死扶伤。
- Shemsen slathered his wounds and let the emptied jar sink to the harbor bottom. 舍姆森在伤口上涂了厚厚一层,然后任由空罐子沉向港口的水底。
- He felt mortally wounded and had to lean against the wall. 他觉得自己受了致命伤,只好倚靠在墙上。
- The mortician was surprised to find scars from wounds and a withered leg. 殡仪馆的人惊讶地发现他身上累累的伤疤和萎缩的腿。
- Use to rinse off wounds and as a first application for skin diseases. 使用冲洗过伤口,并作为第一个应用,为皮肤疾病。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。