- It would be nice if it were a holiday tomorrow. 如果明天放假,那该多好。
- Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to work today. 要是今天我们不上班该多好。
- Wouldn't it be nice if you could avoid all of that extra work? 如果能够避免所有这些额外的工作不是很好吗?
- Stella Bridger: It would be nice if it were true. 斯特拉:如果这是真的就好了。
- Stella Bridger:It would be nice if it were true. 斯特拉:如果这是真的就好了.
- Stella Bridger:It would be nice if it were true. 斯特拉:假如这是真的就好了。
- A: Wouldn't it be nice if we lived together. We could see each other every day. 如果我们住在一起不是很好吗?我们可以每天见到对方。
- Wouldn't it be nice if all unpleasant situations could be so easily remedied? 如果所有的不快都能这么容易地解决,这不是太好了吗?
- Wouldn't it be nice if we could predict when a volcano was about to erupt? 如果你能预测一座火山何时爆发会是一件多么妙的事!
- That’s nice, but wouldn’t it be even better if users could order them by importance? 但是如果能够按照对用户的重要性排序,不是更好吗?
- Wouldn’t it be great to create a reputation for yourself as a peacemaker? 为你自己赢得和事佬的美誉难道不是件很棒的事情吗?
- I had a taste of the soup to see if it was nice. 我喝了一小口汤,尝尝是否鲜美。
- Wouldn’t it be better if instead of having to choke down an antacid all you needed to do was eat foods the right way? 水果和蔬菜都需要不同的酶来消化,这些酶也会互相消除。相似食物和兼容食物的适当搭配将有助于完全消化,达到最佳的健康状态。
- Will not it be nice to go sightseeing? 去观光游览该多好!
- And then my father heard me over and over sing "Wouldn’t It Be Loverly", from that movie. 我爸爸听到我一遍遍地唱电影里那首“这不是很可爱吗”。
- Won't it be nice to see my childhood friend again. 又要见到我儿童时代的朋友了,这有多好啊。
- Would not it be nice to go sightseeing? 去游览观光不是挺好的吗?
- So if you’re creating your life all the time, wouldn’t it be more empowering to view yourself as an artist, rather than simply a passively living person? 所以如果你正在不断的创作自己的生活,视自己为艺术家而非仅仅是生活的匆匆过客不是赋予自己更多的权力了吗?
- Will not it be nice to see my old friend again? 又要见到我的老朋友了,这有多好啊!
- Will not it be nice to go sightseeing. 去观光游览该多好。