- Worry lined his face. 忧虑给他的脸上添了皱纹。
- He stumbled over a stump and fell flat on his face. 他给树桩一绊,摔了个嘴啃泥。
- The policeman lined his pockets with bribes. 这警察接受贿赂中饱私囊。
- A dash of water in his face will revive him. 向他脸上泼水能使他苏醒。
- The shadow of death is on his face. 死亡的阴影笼罩在他的脸上。
- The battalion commander lined his men along the railway. 营长命令士兵们沿铁轨排开。
- The wide brim of his hat shadowed his face. 他的大帽檐的影子映在他的脸上。
- There is a glow of health in his face. 他的脸容光焕发。
- He was ashamed to show his face before us. 他不好意思在我们面前露面。
- Mr Brown lined his pockets by robbing a rich merchant. 布朗先生抢了一位富商,得了不义之财。
- His face fell at the news of his mother's illness. 听到母亲生病的消息,他的脸色沈了下来。
- His face agleam in the sunlight. 他的脸在阳光下发光。
- He sleeved the sweat off his face. 他用袖子擦干脸上的汗水。
- His face bears the stamp of suffering. 他的脸上有饱经苦难的烙印。
- His face was expressive of satisfaction. 他的脸上露出满意的神情。
- His face was covered in ugly red blotches. 他脸上有许多难看的红色大斑点。
- His face was inflamed with anger. 他的脸因愤怒而涨得通红。
- His annoyance showed itself in his face. 从他的脸上可以看出他有烦恼。
- The policeman lined his pockets by taking bribes. 那个警察接受贿赂肥了自己的腰包。
- He has a very fierce look on his face. 他脸上一副凶相。