- World Wildlife Fund of Canada 和加拿大世界野生保护基金会
- The World Wildlife Fund says the polar bear is not receiving enough protection. 世界野生动植物基金会说,北极熊是没有得到足够的保障。
- The big melt has begun, said Jennifer Morgan, from the Climate Change Campaign for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). 世界自然基金会全球气候变化委员会的Jennifer morgan说:“北极冰盖已经开始大规模地融化。”
- On March 31st, 2007, the people of one city, in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund, decided to take a stand. 在2007年3月31日,一座城市的人们与世界自然保护基金会联合决定做出抵抗。
- Hippos are being killed by government soldiers, local militia and poachers, the World Wildlife Fund said. 据美联社9月12日报道,该基金会表示,在刚果境内,河马的命运危在旦夕。
- Unless governments take significant measures to protect tigers, they may go extinct by 2010, the World Wildlife Fund said Thursday. 世界野生动物基金会周四说,除非有关政府采用重大措施予以保护,否则在2010年前老虎可能逐渐灭绝。
- Nepstad produced a report for the World Wildlife Fund for nature or WWF that was released at the Bali climate change conference. 提供了关于自然类世界野生基金或wwf的一份报告,该报告在巴里气候变化会议提交。
- Indeed, the World Wildlife Fund, a nature conservation organisation, reckons that bluefin spawners will be virtually eliminated by 2012. 事实上,据自然保护组织---国际野生动物基金会估计:金枪鱼产卵鱼几乎可能于2012年灭绝。
- The author thanks the National Geographic Society, the John C.Meeker family and the World Wildlife Fund for their exceptional support of this research. 作者感谢国家地理学会、米克家族、世界自然基金会对这项研究的大力支持。
- But most of the main interest groups support it, including the Sierra Club, the Environmental Defence Fund and the World Wildlife Fund. 但是几乎主要的利益集团均支持它,包括塞拉俱乐部,环境保护基金,世界野生动物基金。
- The World Wildlife Fund cautioned that the spike may be attributable to more reliable surveying methods and not necessarily to a real increase in pandas. 世界野生动植物基金会警告说,应该采取更加可靠的测量方法来防止对熊猫的影响,而且不是很需要确定的增长数字。
- World Wildlife Fund Malaysia announced earlier this year that it had captured video footage of the extremely rare Borneo sub-species of the critically endangered Sumatran rhino. 马来西亚世界自然基金会于今年稍早公布,拍摄到严重濒危的苏门答腊犀牛中,极为稀有之婆罗州亚种的影片。
- Robert Litwak, 55, a member of the World Wildlife Fund, was stranded for nearly three days near the famous Wolong giant panda breeding ground in southwestern Sichuan province. 55岁、世界野生动物基金会成员罗伯特.李瓦克被困在四川西南部知名的卧龙大猫熊繁殖场近3天。
- The coalition includes the governments of the United States, Australia, India and the United Kingdom. Other members include the World Conservation Union, Humane Society International and the World Wildlife Fund. 该联合会成员有美国政府,澳大利亚,印度和英联邦国家。其他成员还有世界保护联盟,国际人道主义团体和世界野生动物基金组织。
- The car apparently also has the full backing of the World Wildlife Fund France, though it's not clear if that means the WWF is contributing to the LEKO's development or just endorsing it. 这款车显然有着世界基金组织法国分部的全力支持,但不清楚这意味着WWF是赞助LEKO的研发还是只是认可。
- INPA scientists, financed by the World Wildlife Fund, monitor flora and fauna on plots of untouched rain forest in large areas where the trees have been cut and burned to establish cattle reserves. 由世界野生动物保护基金组织赞助的亚马逊国家研究所的科学家,负责调查一些大区域里的还未被开采的热带雨林里的动植物群。在这些地方,人们为了饲养更多的牛群而砍伐,焚烧树木。
- Fishermen around Hong Kong are using dynamite to get their catch, aggravating a marine crisis caused by overfishing, pollution and dredging, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) said on Wednesday. 世界野生动物基金会周三说,香港周围的渔民在用炸药捕鱼,这样的做法恶化了因过度捕捞、污染和挖泥所致的海洋危机。
- The maple leaf is the emblem of Canada. 枫叶是加拿大的象征。
- When the stewardship council had to decide whether to recertify the hoki fishery as sustainable and well managed, the World Wildlife Fund, which helped found the council, was strongly opposed. 当海洋管理委员会必须决定是否重新给予无须鳕捕捞业可持久且管理得当的认证时,协助设立该机构的世界自然基金会坚决反对。
- British Columbia is a province of Canada. 不列颠哥伦比亚是加拿大的一个省。