- World War I in Egypt 第一次世界大战-埃及战场(1914-1917)
- Britain was an ally of America in the World War I. 英国在第一次世界大战中是美国的同盟国。
- How many young men in World War I volunteered for the army? 第一次世界大战中有多少青年自愿参军?
- Millions of people were immolated in World War I. 千百万的人们在第一次世界大战中被杀死。
- A French soldier, especially in World War I. 法国士兵,尤指在第一次世界大战中
- In 1914, World War I had broken out. 1914年,第一次世界大战爆发。
- An American infantryman in World War I. 一战时的美国步兵
- More of each were planned, but the outbreak of World War I in 1914 ended these plans and sent Kandinsky home to Russia via Switzerland and Sweden . 更多的每个计划,但爆发的第一次世界大战于1914年结束这些计划和家庭发出康定斯基俄罗斯通过瑞士和瑞典。
- The authors provide insight into the legacy of World War I in China, the change in social order during the Chinese Civil War, and the rise of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). 作者对一战对中国的影响,中国内战时的社会秩序的变革以及中国共产党的崛起提出了自己的见解。
- The United Kingdom was a mighty empire before World War I. 英联邦在第一次世界大战前曾是一个强大的帝国。
- This house was built away back in the years before World War I. 这座房子是在第一次世界大战以前建的。
- Movies were first made in Hollywood before World War I. 第一次世界大战前,电影首先是在好莱坞生产的。
- November11,observed in the United States in honor of veterans of the armed services and in commemoration of the armistice that ended World War I in 1918. in 1954 it was renamed from Armistice Day and given the added significance of honoring veterans. 退伍军人节11月11日,在美国为了表彰军队中的老兵和纪念第一次世界大战(1918年)停火而庆祝的节日。1954年它从停火节更名而来并加入了表彰老兵的重要意义
- Mr.Hudec arrived in Shanghai at the end of World War I 'in a city that wanted to change, and he wanted to change with it,' Ms.Warr says.'He was interested in designing in a new way for a new world. 邬达克来到上海时,正值第一次世界大战刚刚结束,“这个城市渴望变化,而邬达克也想顺应这种变化,”沃尔女士说,“他希望以一种全新的设计理念来建造一个全新的世界。”
- This was already clear in the aftermath of World War I. 这在第一次世界大战的劫后余波中就已经昭然若揭了。
- A soldier from New Zealandor australia in World War I. 第一次世界大战期间来自澳大利亚或新西兰的士兵。
- The England of the last few years before world war I went beyond recall. 第一次世界大战前最後几年中的那个英国社会是再也无法挽回了。
- In some countries women got the vote after World War I. 第一次世界大战以后,在一些国家,妇女赢得了选举权。
- A soldier from New Zealand or australia in World War I. 第一次世界大战期间来自澳大利亚或新西兰的士兵.
- In 1942, during World War Two, Britain launched a major offensive against Axis forces at El Alamein in Egypt. 1942年的今天,二战期间英国军队对在埃及的艾尔阿拉曼轴心国军队发动进攻。