- Issue of approval form for credit extension by workshop manager. 车间经理颁发信用延期批准表。
- To help the workshop manager (director) for connect the factory principal. 协助车间经理(主管)与工厂负责人联络。
- Communicating between stock employees and workshop manager, let working materials and requirements being fit to work plan and finish work plan on time. 与库存保管人员和车间管理人员及时有效的沟通,保证劳动物质和劳动要求符合工作计划,按照工程计划完成所负责的项目。
- Workshop management, quality control, product familiarity training. 车间管理,质量控制,产品认知培训。
- Research&development of chemical medicinal intermediates, workshop management. 化工药物合成中间体研发、车间管理工作。
- Drafts workshop management rules, promotes the implementation of the approved rules in workshop. 拟定车间管理制度,经公司批准后在车间推广实施;
- Keywords: I-M3 System; Production Planning; Process Ticket; Workshop Management; Mould manufacturing cycle time. 关键词:I-M3系统;生产计划;加工工票;车间管理;模具制造周期
- Workshop Manager Body in White Activity 白车身车间经理
- Define performance indicators and implement them with the assistance of workshop management, Follow up and analyze the indicators, and optimize it. 在车间管理层的帮助下定义绩效指标并实施。对该指标进行跟踪分析并进行优化。
- Rich experience on floor operation management with automotive company, preferable with workshop management experience on Stamping, Machining or Assembly. 具有丰富的汽车行业生产现场管理经验,有冲压、机加、装配车间管理经验者优先;
- Second, the leading market model of Chinese animation and comic product is small workshop management, which circumscribe the step of Chinese animation and comic industry"s advancing. 其次,中国动漫产品的销售都是以个体为主的小作坊经营模式,这种经营模式从很多方面制约了中国动漫产业前进的步伐。
- The new manager's job is to restore the company to profitability. 新经理的工作是让这家公司能恢复盈利状况。
- There are more than fifty workers in this workshop. 这个车间里有五十多个工人。
- She is studying in a theatre workshop. 她正在戏剧讲习班学习。
- Aha! so it's golf that turn the manager on. 啊!如此说来,经理入迷的是高尔夫球。
- Our manager want to pay a visit to your company. 我们经理想到贵公司参观一下。
- Our workshop turns out parts for generators. 我们车间生产发动机零件。
- Ah, so what the manager likes beating is sake! 啊,原来经理最喜欢的是日本清酒。
- Some old machines in the workshop sit idle. 车间里有几台旧机器闲置不用。
- Our manager is conversant with account system. 我们的经理精通会计制度。