- Work is proceeding slowly. 工作正在慢慢地继续进行著。
- The work is proceeding briskly [slowly]. 工作进展迅速[缓慢]。
- The work is proceeding according to plan. 工作正按计划进行。
- The negotiation is proceeding slowly. 谈判缓慢地进行。
- Work is proceeding according to plan. 根据计划工作继续进行。
- 3. Work is proceeding slowly. 工作正在慢慢地继续进行著.
- 8. Work is proceeding slowly. 工作正在慢慢地继续进行著.
- Second, the modernization is proceeding slowly and in a piecemeal manner. 其次,现代化进程进行地缓慢而又零碎。
- Work is proceeding apace. 工作进展迅速。
- Work Is proceeding well, sir. We should soon be able to organise the mass evacuation of the prisoners. 进行的十分顺利,上校。我们应该尽快的完成好让囚犯们可以躲避空袭。
- In all cases, however, the work is proceeding fitfully as a result of very limited funding. 然而,在所有情况下,由于资助有限,研究工作都是停停打打的。
- Routine office work is my bread and butter. 日常的办公室工作是我的谋生之道。
- The overall design of the boundary-crossing facilities has been finalised, and construction work is proceeding at full speed. 过境设施的整体设计已经完成,而建筑工程现正进行得如火如荼。
- Work is proceeding with the 595m extension of Madras' main runway 07/25 towards 07, beginning with the associated stopway, increasing its total length to just under 3600m. 马德拉斯机场从07/25至07的主跑道,加长595米的工程正在进行,该跑道的长度将增加到3600米,
- The project is proceeding as planned. 工程正在按计划进行。
- In the meantime, work is proceeding on understanding the observational consequences of MOND and improving the theory itself, with contributions from Sanders, Jacob D. 在此同时,研究正朝著进一步了解MOND在观测上的意义推进,并且改进理论本身。
- His unselfish work is beginning to tell. 他无私的工作开始产生效果。
- The greatest touchstone of any work is time. 时间是检验一切的最好的试金石。
- The solicitor is proceeding with the execution of my mother's will. 律师正著手执行我母亲的遗嘱。