- Worcester, Joseph Emerson 渥斯特
- Joseph Worcester borrowed a lot from Webster . 约瑟夫·伍斯特随便剽窃韦伯斯特的词典。
- Joseph Worcester borrowed a lot from Webster. 约瑟夫?伍斯特随便剽窃韦伯斯特的词典。
- He is named Joseph, but is called Joe. 他取名约瑟夫,但人叫他乔。
- They christened the child Joseph. 他们给受洗的孩子取名为约瑟夫。
- Emerson was religiously committed to democracy. 爱默生确是笃信于民主。
- Joseph R.DiFranza is a family physician practicing out of the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester. 迪弗兰萨是一位家医科医师,出身美国麻州大学医学院渥斯特分校。
- Emerson at the extreme end of his life turned soft. 爱默生在风烛残年时心境趋于平和。
- Emerson's journal, indeed was his life's task. 爱默生的日记确实是他的毕生心血。
- Emerson's feeling for nature was real enough. 爱默生对大自然可谓一往情深。
- And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt. 法老对约瑟夫说,我已任命你为全埃及的统治者。
- I saw that Emerson had even scrubbed the soles. 我发现埃默森把鞋底都给擦干净了。
- The case against Emerson may seem overwhelming. 反对爱默生的舆论大有泰山压顶之势。
- Major Cities: Roseau, Joseph, Portsmouth. 主要城市:罗索、约瑟夫、次茅斯。
- Emerson kicked it deep into Columbia territory . 埃默林把它踢入了哥伦比亚队的区域。
- The main road to Worcester was flooded and we had to go round. 至伍斯特的要道被洪水淹没,我们必须绕道。
- Emerson's oration was disjointed. 爱默生的讲演,无头无尾。
- Mary's symptom is similar to Joseph's in some way. 玛丽的症状在某些方面和约瑟夫的类似。
- Ken Emerson wrote a book about Stephen Foster. 肯?爱默生写了一本关于史蒂芬?福斯特的书,
- I begged Joseph to run for the doctor. 我请求约瑟夫快去请大夫。