- Women were his undoing. 女人是他身败名裂的祸根。
- In the end, that was his undoing. 最后,他的末日来临了。
- That one mistake was his undoing. 他一失足即成千古恨。
- In the end his ambition was his undoing. 到最后他的野心是他完蛋的原因。
- But sex is at the core of his work: women were his preoccupation. 但是性却是其作品的核心内容:女人是他关注的主题。
- To study his image in the sight of those who do not know him, can be his undoing: he has begun to write to please. 企图用不了解自己的人的观点来研究自己塑造的形象的作法,会导致作家的毁灭,因为他已经开始为取悦他人而写作了。
- It's the underlying reason for learning about the market that will ultimately prove to be his undoing. 学习市场后面的原因最终会向他证明还是别学。
- As a postscript to that story, it turned out that the woman was his sister. 作为故事的补充, 那个女人原来是他妹妹。
- After the exclamation of surprise that broke from Vereshtchagin he uttered a piteous cry of pain, and that cry was his undoing. 韦列复金在发出那声惊叫之后,紧接着又痛得他可怜地呼喊,而这一声呼喊倒要了他的命。
- Mace's impulsiveness almost was his undoing, as he fell victim to a tree-dwelling tempter who lured his attention to a knothole in a tree. 一只树上的怪兽想把他到诱惑一个树洞里去。
- Greed was his undoing. 贪婪就是坠落
- This hard attitude may have led to his undoing. 可能就是这种强硬的态度导致了他的垮台。
- Two women were brutally slain last night. 两名妇女昨夜被残忍杀害。
- Women were excluded from the poll. 妇女被排斥,不让参加选举。
- Women were then denied the right to vote. 那时妇女被拒给选举权。
- In Britain women were enfranchised in 1918. 1918年英国妇女获得议会选举权。
- The Italian international midfielder waited for an age before hammering a shot into a baying Stretford End, and he conceded that pressure could well have been his undoing. 意大利国脚在斯查福德看台前发球之前犹豫了很久,他承认自己承受了巨大的压力。
- His Achilles' heel was his pride. 他的致命伤就是骄傲自大。
- He married a woman who is old enough to be his mother. 他跟一个年纪大得够当他妈妈的女人结婚了。