- Within time there is changes. 当时间流逝时,世界变化着。
- Most of the time there is warm clear day in summer. 夏天多数是热天和晴天。
- On the great clock of time there is but one word, "Now. 在伟大的时钟上,只有一个词,就是“现在”。
- So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. 如今也是这样,照着拣选的恩典还有所留的馀数。
- At times there is nothing so unnatural as nature. 有时,没有一样东西像大自然这么不自然。
- At times there is nothing so unnatural as nature . 有时,没有一样东西像大自然这么不自然。
- Spending time there is something everyone in the game relishes. 花时间有什么东西都在游戏中站稳脚跟。
- At one time there was a village here,but there is no sign of it now. 以前这里曾经有一个小村庄,但是现在荡然无存,一点痕迹也没有了。
- Every time there is an accident,a crowd seems to gather from nowhere. 每逢出事故,都会有一群人不知从何处冒了出来。
- Every time there is an accident, a crowd seems to gather from nowhere. 每逢出事故,都会有一群人不知从何处冒了出来。
- At one time there was a village here, but there is no sign of it now. 以前这里曾经有一个小村庄,但是现在荡然无存,一点痕迹也没有了。
- We went in around 11pm around that time there is still not a lot of pple. 其实我们应该在11点前就应该进入我们的梦里。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- At the time there wasn't this “profession” anyway, heh heh; now there is. 滕:当时也没这个专业嘛嘿嘿现在有了。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- This time there is nothing to do. I have to admit that I've been beaten. 这次真的是无能为力了,不得不承认我输了。
- Priests know that any time there is a death, the survivors will feel guilty. 牧师们知道任何时候都会有死亡,而幸存者将会有负罪感。
- There is no typing up this letter within five minutes. 不可能在五分钟内打完这封信。
- There is always enough time for courtesy. 现在不必在这里说客气话。
- Once upon a time there was a princess. 从前有一个公主。