- With his sword and javelin. 身配剑与标枪。
- Hardly flinching, he simply chopped off the shaft with his sword and carried on fighting. 双方在临淄摆开了阵势,一场短兵相接的战斗杀得天昏地暗。
- He struck it mightily with his sword. 他用剑猛刺。
- The hero smote the giant with his sword. 英雄用剑猛劈巨人。
- He dashed down his sword and picked up a revolver . 他掷掉剑,捡起一把手枪。
- He dashed down his sword and picked up a revolver. 他掷掉剑,捡起一把手枪。
- The soldier cut at his enemy with his sword. 那位士兵用自己的剑向敌人砍去。
- The soldier took his sword and attacked the enemy. 士兵拿起刀向敌人杀去。
- Romeo pulled out his sword and lunged at him. 罗密欧拔剑刺向他,
- He thrust Satnrnus through with his sword. 他用剑刺穿了图努斯的心窝。
- He drew his sword and thrust it at me. 他拔出剑来,向我猛刺。
- He offered to avouch his innocence with his sword. 他表示愿以剑来保证他是无辜的。
- We bring to his widow his sword and cross of honor. 我们把他的佩剑和十字荣誉勋章带回来给他的太太。
- He jabbed at the tree angrily with his sword. 他生气地用他的剑猛戳那棵树。
- The soldier cut at his enemy with his sword . 那位士兵用自己的剑向敌人砍去。
- The young man couldn't stand looking at that quivering tail,so he scooped it up with his sword and flung it in a drawer. 看着那截还在扭动的尾巴,年轻人心里直发毛,于是就用剑把尾巴挑了起来,甩到抽屉里去了。
- The commander waved his men on with his sword. 那个指挥官挥动指挥刀命令士兵前进。
- He drew forth his sword and ran towards the attacker. 他拔出剑,冲向袭击者。
- He came towards them with his sword drawn. 他手持出鞘的剑向他们走来。
- He dispatched the scoundrel with his sword. 他用利剑刺死了那个恶棍。