- The contents of pentosan, protein, wet gluten, Zeleny volume and 1000 kernel weight of 77 winter wheat varieties planted in north China were investigated. 本研究测定了我国北方冬麦区77个品种(系)籽粒中的戊聚糖含量和蛋白质、湿面筋、沉降值、千粒重等性状。
- Multivariate Statistic Analysis on the Relationships between the Agronomic Characters, Physiological indexes and Wheat Yields at Different types Wheat Varieties (lines) 不同类型小麦品种(系)农艺性状、生理指标与产量关系的多元统计分析
- In order to demarcate the drought resistance yield index, using the winter wheat varieties of dry-land wheat in the regional test in north part of China as trial materials, DRC, SSI, DRI and DI were studied. 为了筛选适宜于小麦品种抗旱性鉴定的指标,在旱棚鉴定条件下,以国家北部冬麦区旱地组区试抗旱鉴定品种为试材,对抗旱系数、干旱敏感指数、抗旱指数和抗旱指数修订式等抗旱鉴定产量指标进行了比较研究。
- Pot experiments were carried out to study the photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and water use efficiency of the seedlings of four winter wheat varieties under different soil drought. 摘要采用盆栽试验对土壤干旱下不同品种冬小麦幼苗光合、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率进行了研究。
- In the field experiment, two cultivars, the strong and weak gluten winter wheat varieties, were cultivated, and the effects of topdressing stage on wheat quality characters were analyzed. 摘要在大田条件下研究了追氮时期对不同筋型冬小麦品种品质性状的影响。
- Zhao M X,Zhou J B,Yang R et al.Effects of N rates on the N accumulation,transportation and distribution of different winter wheat varieties[J].Plant Nutr.Fert.Sci.,2006,12(2):143-149. [2]赵满兴;周建斌;杨绒.;等
- In the end, the reasons of higher transpiration rate and lower canopy temperature of cold type wheat were discussed. 最后,讨论了冷型小麦蒸腾速率高、冠层温度低的原因。
- The vascular bundle area in 2nd internode below the ear of cold type wheat is obvious smaller than warm type wheat's. 冷型小麦倒二节间中维管束面积明显小于暖型小麦;
- The study included two types of varieties: winter type variety(WV)"Jing 411" and spring type variety"Yangmai 158" and three sowing dates: Sept. 30(EP), Oct. 30(MP), Mar. 2(LP). 以小麦冬性品种京411和春性品种扬麦158为材料,于9月30日(早播)、10月30日(适期播种)和3月2日(晚播)分期播种。
- It was studied that difference of foliage N contents between cold type wheat(CTW) and warm type wheat(WTW) by perennial micro-field trials. 通过多年田间小区试验,研究了不施肥、单施磷肥、单施氮肥和氮磷配施等四种施肥条件下,灌浆结实期冷型小麦和暖型小麦叶片氮含量的差异。
- The study included two types of varieties: winter type variety (WV) "Jing 411" and spring type variety "Yangmai 158" and three sowing dates: Sept. 30(EP), Oct. 30(MP), Mar. 2(LP). 摘要以小麦冬性品种京411和春性品种扬麦158为材料,于9月30日(早播)、10月30日(适期播种)和3月2日(晚播)分期播种。
- The issues such as predicting indexes for no odle quality in wheat varieties were discussed. 讨论了小麦品种面条品质的预测指标等问题。
- The results showed that the yields of defferent wheat varieties were significantly different in K deficient soil. 试验结果表明,在缺钾土壤上不同小麦品种的产量存在显著差异。
- In this study,photosynthesis,respiration and root vitality of typic big spike wheat varieties (lines) were studied. 结果表明:(1)大穗小麦的根系吸收能力高于一般小麦品种,根系活力比对照品种提高23。
- Quality character and biscuit baking property were surveied from 23 different soft wheat varieties. 本研究测定了23个软质小麦的品质及饼干烘焙品质。
- Two common wheat varieties were selected to determine the vigor of germinated and thermo-treated seed. 以2个小麦品种(系)为材料,研究不同发芽状况及热处理对小麦种子活力的影响。
- Gas exchange parameters of different wheat varieties were studied using hydroponic culture method. 应用水培方法进行培养,对3种小麦的气体交换参数进行研究。
- The genotypes that have lower canopy temperature is named cold type wheat (CTW) and which have higher canopy temperature is named warm type wheat (WTW) in same ecological environment. 根据灌浆结实期不同小麦基因型群体冠层温度的差异,将多年来冠层温度持续偏低的基因型称为冷型小麦;冠层温度持续偏高的基因型称为暖型小麦。
- To evaluate the resistant genes of 23 wheat varieties (lines) to powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe graminis f. 根据已知抗病基因对白粉菌群体的抗性程度,对其进行抗性效能的评价。
- Ears of bread wheat varieties were, on average, longer but lower in ear weight than those of durum wheat. 硬粒小麦品种之平均产量(每公顷7;027公斤)显著高于普通小麦者(每公顷6.;747公斤)。