- Efficacies of 8 herbicides in winter oilseed rape field were compared. 研究了8种除草剂防除冬油菜田杂草的效果。
- Flow-cytometric (FCM) analysis of ploidy level of microspore-derived plants was made in four winter oilseed rape F1 hybrids. 摘要采用流式细胞光度法(FCM)对甘蓝型冬油菜4个F1代杂种的小孢子再生植株,在幼苗期(取再生株新长出的叶片嫩组织)进行了染色体倍数检测。
- Winter oilseed rape 冬油菜
- Purity identification for cytoplasm male sterility three-line hybrid seeds is very important in oilseed rape seed production. 细胞质雄性不育三系杂交种的纯度鉴定是油菜种子生产中重要的一环。
- Genetic transformation by Agrobacterium rhizogenes was carried out using hypocotyl segments of cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and oilseed rape. 利用发根土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium rhizogenes)在甘蓝、花椰菜、抱子甘蓝和油菜的下胚轴切段上进行遗传转化。
- Objective:To approve there are commen antigen epitopes and cross-reaction lying between oilseed rape(Brassica campestris L. 目的:证实油菜花粉和蒿草花粉存在共同抗原决定簇和交叉反应。
- Leng S H,San Y H,Zhou B M.Regulation of N nutrition to biomass of oilseed rape in ripening stage[J].Chin.J.Oil Crop Sci.,2000,22(2):53-56. [3]冷锁虎;单玉华;周宝梅.;氮素营养对油菜成熟期生物产量的调控[J]
- Southern blotting analysis of genomic DNA indicated that enolase was likely to be a low-copy gene in the oilseed rape genome. Southern杂交结果显示烯醇酶以低拷贝形式在油菜基因组中存在.
- The current advance was reviewed of genetic linkage map and mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) for main quantitative traits in oilseed rape. 对近年来油菜遗传图谱构建以及主要数量性状的QTL进展进行了综述。
- Crop rotation system and geographical factors determined the distribution of weed communities in main oilseed rape growing regions in Hubei Province. 轮作制度与地理因素决定了湖北省油菜主产区杂草群落的分布。
- Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a significant plant pathogenic fungus leads to sclerotium disease on oilseed rape, sunflower and many other important crops around the world. 核盘菌是一种重要的植物病原真菌,由核盘菌引起的菌核病是世界性分布的重要病害。
- Hu Q H, Xu G B, Shi R H.Study on the inheritable difference on boron nutrition of different cultivars of oilseed rape[J].J. of Nanjing Agric.Univ., 1991, 13(1):80-86. [9]胡秋辉;徐光壁;史瑞和.;不同油菜品种硼素营养的遗传差异机理研究[J]
- Serratia plymuthica HRO-C48 with chitinolytic activity was isolated from the rhizosphere of oilseed rape in Germany and promoted plant growth by production of indole acic acid(IAA). 沙雷氏菌Serratia plymuthica HRO-C48分离自油菜根际,是一种产几丁质酶和IAA的植物根际促生细菌。
- Under rice-wheat or rice-oilseed rapc cropping system, seven oilseed rape cultivars and two wheat cultivars were used to study the difference of oilseed rape and wheat in tolerance to Mn deficiency. 选用酎缺锰能力不司的7个油菜品种和2个小麦品种,在水旱轮作的严重缺锰土壤上,进行了2种作物不同品种耐缺锰能力的比较研究。
- The latest results of QTL for yield characters, quality characters and others in oilseed rape were summarized and compared, which provide molecular genetic theory for accelerating rapeseed breeding. 概括并比较了近年来油菜主要品质性状、产量性状及其他性状QTL定位的最新结果,为加快油菜育种提供了分子遗传理论依据;
- The variation coefficient (VC) of NUE is higher than that of NAE under the N fertilizer applications.It is also showed that the contribution of NUE to NE is higher than that of NAE in oilseed rape. 无论供氮水平如何,氮素利用效率的变异系数均大于氮素吸收效率的变异系数,说明氮素利用效率对油菜氮效率差异的贡献大于氮素吸收效率。
- Keywords Oilseed rape pollen;Mast cell;Degranulati; 油菜花粉;肥大细胞;脱颗粒;
- His anorak has stood him in good stead this winter. 他这件带兜帽的夹克在今年冬天对他很有用。
- oilseed rape (Brassica campestris L.) 油菜
- It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。