- Williams memory storage tube 威廉存储管
- Williams memory ( storage ) tube 威廉存储管
- A quantity of memory storage equal to between512 and4, 096 bytes. 主记忆体的一种标准计量单位相当于512到4096个字节的记忆储存量
- A quantity of memory storage equal to between512 and4,096 bytes. 主记忆体的一种标准计量单位相当于512到4096个字节的记忆储存量
- Transparent storage tube of vacuum gun is easy for clean. 吸锡枪的储锡管透明设计,一目了然。
- The basic representation unit in most rule-based expert systems. Similar to variables in traditional data processing, but different in that they may own properties, and do not necessarily represent memory storage locations. 在大多数基于规则的专家系统中的基本表示单元。它类似于传统数据处理中的变量,但有不同之处,属性可具有性质,而不一定代表记忆存储单元。
- For those reasons the application can be deployed on a memory storage card such as a Compact Flash card. 由于这些原因,可以在内存存储卡(例如,Compact Flash卡)上部署该应用程序。
- An I/O address is a memory storage location for communication between the CPU and different parts of a computer. 一个输入/输出位址是处理器和计算机的不同部份之间的通信的一个存储器储存器位置。
- The definition of a variable causes its associated memory storage to be allocated. 一个变量的定义将导致相关联的内存存储被分配。
- Exchange ActiveSync works with high-latency or low-bandwidth networks and low-capacity clients that have limited memory storage and processing power. Exchange ActiveSync使用高延迟或低带宽网络和内存存储与处理能力有限的低容量客户端。
- Another line of thought assumes a memory storage systemof limited capacity that provides adaptive flexibility specifically through forgetting. 另一种思路则假定人的记忆存储系统储量有限,这个系统专门通过遗忘提供适应的灵活性。
- memory storage travelling wave tube 存储器存储行波管
- "A Mechanism for Memory Storage Inbensitive to Molecular Turnover: A Bistable Autophosphorylating Kinase." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82 (198 3055-7. "“针对突触记忆储存的钙调蛋白激酶二号假说”。期刊“神经科学趋势”第17卷。第406到412页。
- Williams memory (storage) tube 威廉存储管
- A variable provides us with named memory storage that we can write to, retrieve, and manipulate throughout the course of our program. 一个变量给我们提供已命名的内存存储,我们可以通过程序过程写入,获取并处理。
- Almost all theories of memory propose that memory storage depends on synapses, the tiny connections between brain cells. 几乎所有的理论都是记忆储存取决于神经键和脑细胞之间的细微联系。
- Joel wanted to pay William off for backbiting him. 乔尔因威廉在背后说他坏话而要对他进行报复。
- Symbol is thinking of ways to express feelings, using graphics memory storage, use and simpler procedures intended to convey the most direct way. 是用符号方式表达思想情感,用图形储存记忆,用简洁的程序传达意图的最直接方式。
- Mr. Williams goes in for hunting. 威廉姆斯先生热衷于打猎。
- Another line of thought assumes a memory storage system of limited capacity that provides adaptive flexibility specifically through forgetting. 另一种思路则假定人的记忆存储系统储量有限,这个系统专门通过遗忘提供适应的灵活性。