- William Henry Peter Lewis 卢亦思(1932-),英国人,香港科学家。
- Lewis, William Henry Peter 卢亦思
- William Henry comes from Italy, he speaks Italian. 威廉·亨利来自意大利,他说意大利语。
- John Lord, alias Peter Lewis, was convicted of murder. 约翰·洛得,别名彼得·刘易斯,被判犯有谋杀罪。
- William Henry Harrison: Don't lose sight of long-term goals. 威廉亨利·哈里森:人无远虑必有近忧。
- Gates was named William Henry after his father and grandfather. 盖茨的名字是威廉·亨利,他随其父亲和爷爷的名字命名。
- "To a Western eye, [they] seem poorly dressed, ill-groomed, dour and preoccupied" (Peter Lewis). “在西方人看来,显得似乎衣着寒碜,不修边幅,桀骜不驯”(彼得·刘易斯)。
- To a Western eye, [ they ] seem poorly dressed, ill - groomed, dour and preoccupied (Peter Lewis). 在西方人看来,显得似乎衣着寒碜,不修边幅,桀骜不驯(彼得 刘易斯)。
- William Henry Harrison, the ninth president of the United States, was born in a small town. 美国第九任总统,威廉?亨利?哈里逊,出生在一个小镇上。
- William Henry Harrison, American Whig statesman and9 th President, was born in Berkeley, Virginia. 美国辉格党政治家、九任总统威廉享利哈里森诞生于弗吉尼亚洲伯克利。
- William Henry Harrison , American Whig statesman and9 th President, was born in Berkeley, Virginia. 美国辉格党政治家、九任总统威廉享利哈里森诞生于弗吉尼亚洲伯克利。
- "A decent . . . examination of the acts of government should be not only tolerated, but encouraged" (William Henry Harrison). “对于政府就工作而做的正当检查,我们不仅应该认可,而且应该鼓励” (威廉·亨利·哈里森)。
- They all laughed when on March 30,1867,Secretary of State William Henry Seward signed a treaty enabling the United States to purchase Alaska from the Russians. 1867年3月30日是皆大欢喜的一天。这一天,美国国务卿威廉·亨利·西沃德签下条约,使美国从俄国人手中购得阿拉斯加。
- Weed thought General William Henry Harrison, one of the candidates in eighteen thirty-six, might be the man the Whigs needed. 在总统选举中相互指责是司空见惯的,但像1840年大选期间辉格党和民主党之间的相互指责,却真是少见。
- Hatton, Jessie Seymour Irvine, William Maher, Edward Miller, William Henry Monk, New English Hymnal, John Newton, Alexander Reinagle, William P. 放大图片 创作者: German Anonymous; Swedish Anonymous; Arthur Bliss; William Croft; John Goss; George Frederick Handel; Basil Harwood; John L.
- Directly on the shore of the lake, and nearer to its western than to its eastern margin, lay the extensive earthen ramparts and low buildings of William Henry. 在这湖岸偏西一带,散布着威廉·享利堡长长的土筑壁垒和低矮的建筑。
- In that year he was also made a presidential elector in the first Whig State Convention, which named General William Henry Harrison as its candidate for the Presidency. 那一年,他还在辉格党州代表大会上对总统候选人进行投票。那一届代表大会推举了WilliamHenryHarrison将军作为辉格党总统候选人。
- By: Jim MathisI have been reading the biography of William Henry Fox Talbot, one of the inventors of photography and the prime proponent of the negative-positive process. 我读过威廉.亨利.福克斯.塔巴特的传记。他是摄影技术的发明人之一,也是把底片冲洗成照片的主要倡导者。
- In the 22 years since he dropped out of Harvard to start Microsoft, William Henry Gates RI, 42, has thrashed competitors in the world of desktop operating systems and application software. 自他从哈佛大学辍学创办微软的22年来,42岁的威廉 - 亨利 - 盖茨三世已经挫败了桌面操作系统和应用软件方面的所有竞争对手。
- The guest speaker will be our old friend John Lewis. 特邀演讲者将是我们的老朋友约翰。路易斯。