- Will force alone avail us? 单用武力对我们有好处吗?
- Increasing the wages of the bus crews will force up the fare. 提高公共汽车司乘员的工资将迫使标价上涨。
- Circumstances will force us finally to adopt this policy . 形势最终将迫使我们采取这种政策。
- Circumstances will force us finally to adopt this policy. 形势最终将迫使我们采取这种政策。
- That the army will force you do this thing. 部队将强迫你去做这事。
- He may yet preserve his tottering regime by brute force alone. “。他仍可以单凭残暴的武力来维持他摇摇欲坠的政权。
- Subarctic temperatures will force us underground for a billion years. |到那个时候我们就要在地下住好几十亿年呢!
- The recent wage increase will force a price boost. 最近工资的提高将会促使物价上涨。
- The new tax will force companies to the proposal. 这项新的税收将迫使公司采用节省能源的措施。
- This twin shift will force wrenching adjustments. 人们需要艰难地调整策略以适应这样的变化。
- This multidimensionality will force us to probe deeper into direct investment in this and the next chapter. 这种多面性将迫使我们在本章及下一章中对直接投资进行更为深入的探讨。
- Yawning deficits will force governments worldwide to cut back on necessary expenditure, let alone unnecessary splurging. 巨大的赤字将迫使全球政府不得不在必要的支出上有所削减,更不用说那些不必要的浪费了。
- Heavy liabilities will force me to become a stingy person some day. 沉重的负债压力早晚会把我逼成一个吝啬鬼。
- All our efforts availed us little in trying to effect a change. 在企图实现一个变革中我们徒劳无功。
- Choosing a PIMM simply on the basis of shot weight is too simplistic.Neither is clamping force alone sufficient. 仅仅基于射出重量去选择注塑机是不够的,同样的,仅考虑锁模力也不可以。
- Building a new road here will force house prices down. 在这里修建一条新道路将使房价下跌。
- Neuroscience, perhaps more than any other biological subdiscipline, will force us to confront questions of equity. 神经科学可能比其他任何生物学门更迫使我们面对平等的问题。
- The new tax will force companies to adopt energy-saving measures. 这项新税收将迫使公司采用节省能源的措施。
- Increasing the wages of the bus crews will force upthe fare. 提高公共汽车司乘员的工资将迫使标价上涨。
- This wrapper will force objects to be marshaled out as VT_DISPATCH. 此包装将强行以VT_DISPATCH形式封送处理对象。