- As we open to the outside world,corrupt capitalist things from abroad will find their way into China. 我们一对外开放,资本主义那一套腐朽的东西就会钻进来的。
- As we open to the outside world, corrupt capitalist things from abroad will find their way into China. 对外开放,资本主义那一套腐朽的东西就会钻进来的;
- Rivers find their way into the sea. 条条江河通大海。
- Best to just ignore the dancing tires; they will find their way. 最好置之不理跳舞轮胎;他们将找到自己的路径。
- Will find their way into 人人都能找到通往
- Of the some 900 species of bats, more than half rely on echolocation to detect obstacles in flight, find their way into roosts, and forage for food. 在约900种蝙蝠中,一半以上依靠回一定位法探测飞行中的障碍物,寻找回巢的路线和用作食物的饲料。
- But, Prof Mintzberg says, many then find their way into top management positions. 但明茨伯格教授说,很多人随后就设法获得了高级管理层职位。
- Keep your light shinning bright and strong. You may never know who will find their way out of the darkness, because of your light. 请常常保持让你心里的光,因为你不知道,谁会藉着这光走出黑暗。
- One hopes that no more of Lord Voldemort`s old schoolthings should find their way into innocent hands. 我们希望这类佛地魔在学生时代的旧东西不会再经由无辜者之手来传播.
- When we decided to open to the outside world, we anticipated that some negative aspects of the capitalist countries would find their way into China. 我们在实行对外开放政策的时候,已经意识到将带进资本主义国家的一些消极影响。
- When we decided to open to the outside world,we anticipated that some negative aspects of the capitalist countries would find their way into China. 我们在实行对外开放政策的时候,已经意识到将带进资本主义国家的一些消极影响。
- The importing of tortoises is now officially banned,but some still seem get in by the back door and find their way into pet shops. 官方现在禁止进口乌龟,但有些乌龟似乎仍然通过后门进来了,并流入了宠物商店。
- Of the some 900 species of bats,more than half rely on echolocation to detect obstacles in flight,find their way into roosts,and forage for food. 在约900种蝙蝠中,一半以上依靠回一定位法探测飞行中的障碍物,寻找回巢的路线和用作食物的饲料。
- The importing of tortoises is now officially banned, but some still seem get in by the back door and find their way into pet shops. 官方现在禁止进口乌龟,但有些乌龟似乎仍然通过后门进来了,并流入了宠物商店。
- Long-life sodium borohydride batteries and fuel-cell systems for the military could find their way into tanks, ships, unmanned air vehicles and more. 寿命长的硼氢化钠电池和燃料电池,在军事上可以用于坦克、船只及无人驾驶飞机等。
- This has allowed many formerly poorer Tibetan and Mongolian (Inuit) root race humans to find their way into the middle class in another system. 这已让许多原来贫穷的西藏根种族和蒙古(因纽特)根种族人类在另一个系统中发现自己进入中产阶级的路。
- Some very fine grounds can also find their way into the beverage, along with cell wall fragments, which endow the foamy crema with what is called the tiger-skin look. 一些特别细致的咖啡粉末连同细胞壁的碎片,也会进入咖啡当中,赋予泡沫状的克丽玛出现所谓虎皮斑的外貌。
- Convenience foods and electrical household appliances are finding their way into families. 方便食品、家用电器等已逐步进入家庭。
- The question now arises: How did all of these customs find their way into contemporary Christianity, ranging from Catholicism to Protestantism to fundamentalist churches? 现在的问题是:所有这些习俗是怎么以自己不同的方式进入了从天主教到新教再到原教旨等当代基督教的教会中?
- The bats had been trapped in the building's courtyard by a pigeon net and found their way into her pantry through an open window. 据悉,这些蝙蝠是被这名妇女居住的房屋的天井内的鸽子网困住后,通过一扇打开的窗户进入储食室的。