- The clouds will disappear by and by. 云很快就要散了。
- Initially multiply but will disappear gradually. 初期会增加,渐渐就消失。
- The mark on your face will disappear in time. 你脸上的疤痕最终会消去的。
- It will disappear in 7 to 14 days. 它将在1至2周内消失。
- And the emptiness you felt will disappear. 你感到的空虚将会消失.
- Coastlines will disappear under water. 海岸线将消失在海水之下。
- This man will disappear in this world now. 这个人在这世界上永远消失了。
- Otherwise the message will disappear into the void. 不然那讯息会消失于无形之中。
- The inhabitants of tale world will disappear. 充满幻想的世界将会消失.
- Even if it dries up, no aroma will disappear. 即使它干枯了,香气也不会消逝。”
- Camphor balls will disappear as time goes on. 樟脑丸放久了会飞净的。
- And the emptiness you felt,Will disappear.... 你感觉到的空虚;将会消散....
- The choppiness will disappear when the tremolo is sped up. 这样波浪感就会在加快速度时消失。
- The Vote button will disappear once the ballot has been cast. 选票投出后,“投票”按钮将消失。
- Listen to the song of the harvest fly and the time will disappear. 倾听秋蝉之歌,时间将会消失。
- The rash will disappear by itself in one to two years. 皮疹将在一至两年的时间内自己消失。
- So just relax, enjoy, accept, and the problems will disappear. 所以,只是放松,享受,接纳,然后问题就会消失
- When you install a fisheye meteors will disappear altogether. 当你安装鱼眼时(一种视场接近180度的摄影镜头);所有流星都会消失.
- If you right click on the slot icon the device will disappear. 如果你右键点击在图标位置上,装置将消失。
- That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear. 我们将不会再感到自卑与自怜.