- I regret having wiled away a Sunday afternoon. 我后悔已经消磨掉星期天下午的好时光。
- Wile away a Sunday afternoon. 消磨掉星期天下午的时光
- He treated himself to a Sunday afternoon excursion [a good week-end holiday]. 他星期天下午出去游览了一番[他过了一个愉快的周末]。
- It shouldn't be that bad on a Sunday afternoon. 星期日下午交通不应该这么糟呀。
- We are sorry to drag you here on a Sunday afternoon. 很抱歉星期天下午硬把你拽到这儿来。
- He treated himself to a Sunday afternoon excursion [a good weekend holiday]. 他星期天下午出去游览了一番[他过了一个愉快的周末]。
- It was a Sunday afternoon, much like this, when I first met Germaine. 我头一回遇见杰曼也是在一个星期日的下午,同今天差不多。
- He slumbered away a hot afternoon. 他以睡眠打发一个炎热的下午。
- Take the time on a Sunday afternoon and catch a 2:30 matinee for only $3.75 or catch a midnight classic! 利用星期天的时间,只需要花3.;75%24;就可以赶一场下午2:30的音乐会或午夜的精典!
- This is a fantastic crowd for a Sunday afternoon in Williamsburg, Virginia. This looks great. 周日下午在弗吉尼亚威廉斯堡人头攒动。看起来很壮观。
- The caff is a good place to wile away an evening. 茶馆是消磨夜晚的好去处.
- She was greatly pleased, and even a little flattered, when, late on a Sunday afternoon, the two gentlemen made their appearance. 星期日下午后半晌,当两个年轻人到来时,她大喜过望,甚至有点受宠若惊。
- Passers-by were shocked to see rowdy bikini-clad students struggling to stand up and vomiting at midday on a Sunday afternoon. 星期天中午,路人看到穿着比基尼吵闹的学生在大街上蹒跚前行并一直呕吐感到很惊愕。
- Never chuck away a chance to improve your English. 永远不要放弃提高你英语水平的机会。
- I knew what would happen if they did: a bloodbath that would make the Little Rock Central High crisis look like a Sunday afternoon picnic. 我知道如果放行,就会造成血流成河的后果。与这样的后果比起来,小石城中心中学所遭遇的危机就仿佛是星期天下午的一场野餐会,不值一提。
- I saw the policemen file away a moment ago. 刚才我看见警察排成一列纵队出发了。
- They drowsed away a hot afternoon. 他们昏昏沉沉地度过一个炎热的下午。
- Aunt Hattie,putting on her hat after a Sunday afternoon visit to one of her married nephews,said to eight-year-old Johnny,"And,young man,would you like to walk with me to the bus stop? 星期天的下午,在侄子家作客的海蒂姑妈戴上帽子,对八岁大的庄尼说:“小家伙,你愿意送我到汽车站吗?”
- You have thrown away a good opportunity. 你已失去了一个良好的机会。
- Some people can sleep away a drunk. 去睡觉吧,睡一觉可能就不烦了。