- Study on Cultivation Technology of Wild Ginseng under Forest 林下参栽培技术的研究
- Wild ginseng under forest 林下参
- WANG Hexin,FAN Guoru,LIU Qijing.Study on growth of ginseng under forests and benefit of complex management[J].Natural Resource,1995(4):62-68. [9]王贺新;范国儒;刘琪景.;林下人参生长特征及其复合经营效益的研究[J]
- WANG Hexin,FAN Jungang,YANG Xiuqing.Study on ginseng under forests and complex ecological system in China[J].Forest Science and Technology,1994(12):8-10. [8]王贺新;范俊岗;杨秀清.;我国林下育参研究及其复合经济生态系统[J]
- Relationship between the Ecological Factor and Transpiration Rate of Ginseng under Forest 林下参蒸腾速率与影响因子关系研究
- panax ginseng under forest 林下参
- They came to the mountain in search of the wild ginseng. 他们来到大山深处寻找野生人参。
- Ginseng under forest 林下参
- Tonghua LiShen GAP drug source base covers an area of 3,000 acres, planting wild ginseng (forest) 500 acres, 300 acres north Asarum, and 500 acres North-tasteless. 通化力神GAP药源基地占地面积3000亩,其中种植野山人参(林下)500亩,北细辛300亩,北无味子500亩。
- The wild ginseng of Manchuria and Korea, hunted assiduously for centuries, is now all but extinct. 人们数百年来千方百计搜寻的中国东北和朝鲜的野山参现在几乎绝迹了。
- Ingredient : Puffing red ginseng, culture wild ginseng,Siberan Ginseng Extract,Youngji mushroom extract,Red Ginseng Extraxt Solution. 成份:膨化红参、野生载培植高丽参,高丽参提取物,有机蘑菇提取物,红参提取物溶液。
- So so the most desirable roots -- those most similar to wild ginseng -- are produced. 人工养植方法,高丽参悲愁密的种植在突起的苗圃上。
- ginseng under forests 林下人参
- They are left to grow naturally so the most desirable roots -- those most similar to wild ginseng -- are produced. 他们被留在那里自然地生长以获得最有价值的根,这些根与野生的人参最相似。
- They are left to grow naturally , so the most desirable roots , -- those most similar to wild ginseng -- are produced. 它们将自然成长,最终产出与野生高丽参极相似的称心的根部。
- They are left to grow naturally , so the most desirable roots , -- those most similar to wile wild ginseng -- are produced. 他们在森林中自然生长,因此那些和野生人参相类似的,称心生长出来的人参生长出来了。
- Such principle is about the same now, for 1 kg of wild ginseng with scabbling, the cost can be up to 100 thousands US dollars. 今天仍然是这样,经过加工的成品野山参,比同等重的黄金价格还高,一公斤山参可值十几万美元。
- Recently, they regarded ginseng as panacea and they decided to buy for help mom after they heard a wild ginseng was bid at an auction. 日前,他们听到一家拍卖所将要拍卖一组野生人参,认为人参是万能药的他们,决定将它买回家为母亲治病。
- Habitat and Ecology: On rocks covered with litter under forest, alt. ca.300 m. Flowering: Mar.- May. 生境与生态:生于溪旁林下有腐殖土的岩石上,海拔约300米。花期:3-5月。
- RESULTS:There are some differences in tissue of wild ginseng and planted ginseng,and that can be used to identify wild ginseng and planted ginseng. 结果:野山参与园参由于生长条件及年限不同,其组织形态也有一定的差异,这些区别具有一定的代表性,可作为野山参及园参鉴别之用。