- Wideband Communications Line 宽(频)带通信线路
- Leased or private, usually referring to communications lines or equipment. 租用的或私人的,通常指的是通信线路或设备。
- A technique for allowing simultaneous use of a communications line by two or more terminals. 一种允许多个终端同时使用一条通信线的技术。
- European Wideband Communications System 欧洲宽频带通信系统
- Integrated Wideband Communications System 综合宽带通信系统
- Her major concern is to keep the communication line with her daughter open. 她主要关心的是保持与女儿的交流畅通。
- Wideband Communications Subsystem 宽带通信子系统
- Port: The point at which a communication line enters a computer system. 端口:通信线路进入计算机系统的地方。
- Her-major concern is toj keep the communication line with her daughter open. 她主要关心的是保持与女儿的谨畅通。
- Any modification may lead to updating each unique communication line in its own way. 任何修改都可能会按其自身的方式更新每条唯一的通信线路。
- Multiplex The transmission of multiple signals over a single communication line or computer channel. 在一个信息通道上或电脑通路上同时传送多个信号的情况。
- Data link The communications lines, modems and controls between two or more data commumications stations. 数据链路两个或多个通信站之间的调制解调器、控制器或通信线路。
- Network: Two or more computers linked by communication lines. 网络:用通信线路链接两个或更多的计算机。
- All the three stations are remote, with no supply of electricity and communication line. 该三个气象站都位处偏远地点,既无电力供应,也无通讯网络。
- Optimum Signal Design for Ultra Wideband Communications System Based on PSWF 基于PSWF的超宽带通信系统最佳波形设计
- Multiplex: The transmission of multiple signals over a single communication line or computer channel. 多路:在一个信息通道上或电脑通路上同时传送多个信号的情况。
- Data communications lines can be connected in two types of configurations: point-to-point and multidrop. 数据通信线路可以以两种配置方式连接:点到点和多点线路连接。
- Integrated Wideband Communication 综合宽带通信
- The upper controller and PLC using RS-422 communication line composes industrial control networks. 上位机与PLC用RS-422通讯线构成工业控制网。 由工业PC+PLC组成的自动控制系统,结构简单,操作方便。
- integrated wideband communication system 综合宽带通信系统