- Why you use this scenario 为什么使用此方案
- Why would you use this type of database configuration scoping? 为什么要使用此类数据库配置范围?
- You use this set of keys for typing. 你用这套键来打字。
- It is matter of how you use this script. 在这种情况下,使用这个脚本程序就非常重要。
- Can you use this word to yourself? 你能用这个词评价你自己吗?
- When you use this route, players can by Nether ray. 当您使用这条路线,玩家可以通过幽冥射线。
- You'll certainly win if you use this method; it's a dead cert. 你用这种办法一定会赢,可以说是万无一失。
- You’ll certainly win if you use this method; it’s a dead cert. 你用这种办法一定会赢,可以说是万无一失。
- It is recommended that you use this file name form in most cases. 建议您在大多数情况下使用这种文件名格式。
- You use this mode for long tasks with no fixed number of steps. 对于非固定步数的长任务,可以使用这种模式。
- Data type when you use this dynamic management view. 使用此动态管理视图时,以。
- This article explores each type of join you can use, why you use each type, and how to create the joins. 本文介绍可以使用的每种联接类型、使用每种类型的原因以及创建联接的方法。
- When you use this feature, there are potential security threats. 使用此功能时,存在潜在的安全威胁。
- Now how could you use this type of news notification service? 现在你怎么可以用这种采访通知服务?
- You use this claim as an excuse to invade our precincts. 你们用这个借口进犯咱们的领地。
- Use this scenario to see how a large corporation deploys SharePoint Server 2007 and implements centralized control of all data connections. 使用该方案来查看大公司如何部署SharePoint Server 2007并实施对所有数据连接的集中控制。
- Oh, you used this idiom here inappropriately. 哎,这个成语用在这儿可不恰当。
- Are you using this shopping cart? 您要使用这台购物推车吗?
- In this scenario why not use stored procedure to do? 我不会存储过程?
- You used this set phrase perfectly. 这个成语用得好。