- Whole historic block reference 历史街坊参考面
- The Battle of Bosworth, fought on August 22nd, 1485, by a mere handful of men on either side, ended the Wars of the Roses and with them a whole historic epoch in England. 在1485年8月22日的博斯沃斯战役中,虽然双方出动的兵力很少,却标志着玫瑰战争的结束和随之结束的英国整个的一个历史时期。
- In the protection planning of Dajing Lane in Hangzhou,the authors applied the method of typology into protection practice,and make further discussion on the process and method of historic block protection planning in this paper. 本文从城市设计过程中类型学的应用特点出发 ,通过对杭州大井巷传统街巷群落保护区城市设计过程的分析研究 ,尝试运用类型学方法进行保护性城市设计 ,探索关于历史街区保护设计的过程和方法。
- Returns eCannotScaleNonUniformly when called on a block reference that refers to a block that cannot be scaled nonuniformly. 或者将块应用扎开(与原来的块定义分离开),然后再对要修改的实体进行修改。
- The Centre occupies the historic Blocks S61 and S62 of the former Whitfield Barracks at Kowloon Park. 文物探知馆位处九龙公园前威菲路军营S61及S62座,这两幢历史建筑物约于一九一零年建成,并一直被英军用作营房。
- The planning of road and traffic in Historic Block is not only one of presupposition in Historic Block protection and renovation, but also one method of dulling the traffic contradiction in Historic Blocks which are located in the city center today. 历史街区的道路交通规划,是历史街区保护与整治的前提之一,也是缓解当前位于城市中心的历史街区的交通矛盾一种手段。
- Collectivism in socialism critically absorbs the positive fruits of the past moral principles and as a whole historically surpasses them. 社会主义集体主义通过批判,吸收了以往道德原则中肯定性的成果,并从总体上实现了历史性的超越。
- At last an instance of the protection and exploitation planning in Sanlv Miao historic blocks in Jingdezhen city is illustrated in detail.All the disquisition inte... 最后结合景德镇三闾庙历史街区保护开发规划实例进行详细说明;从而为历史街区的开发提供依据.
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。
- And then, it stood in the new vision field of economical domain to explore the breakthrough point in historical block protection. 新的历史街区保护与改造模式呼之欲出。
- I had to listen to the whole nauseating story. 我不得不从头到尾听那令人作呕的故事。
- Here we take BingJiang pedestrian street of Tianjin for instance to discuss the harmonious development between commercial space in historical block and the city. 本文以天津滨江道商业步行街为例,分析其优势及缺陷,探讨旧城区商业空间与城市协调发展的方向。
- On the basis of externality theory, methods of internalization of external economic nature of historic blocks are put forward in order to enhance protection level of historic blocks and development of external economic nature. 以外部性理论为基础,提出了历史街区外部经济性内部化的方法,以期提高历史街区的保护水平,促进街区外部经济性的发挥。
- Chapter 5 focuses on the protection and unitization of historic blocks" in changsha.and the concise of aged"s dwelling in Changsha and give out the particular advice on local protective action. 第五章着重对历史文化名城长沙的地理、历史、文化背景及长沙历史街区现状概括作了翔实的分析,对长沙老年寓所的改建设想进行了详细分析和可行性论证。
- And through long-term development and fusion, the two sides have become culturally homologous and formed a mental identity on which they founded a friendly relationship for the whole historical periods. 历经千百年的发展、融合,双方堪称文化同源,进而在心理上形成一种认同感,由此奠定了双方政权在不同时期的友好关系。
- He is the prime mover in the whole matter. 他是整个事件的发起者。
- My whole morning's work has been put out of gear by that mishap. 我一个上午的工作全让这倒霉的事给弄得乱了套。
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。
- Along with our country urban economy development and the industrial structure adjustment, also more and more needs to pay great to the economical aspect regarding the old city transformation in historical block protection also question the factor. 随着我国城市经济发展和产业结构的调整,对于旧城改造中的历史街区保护也越来越要注重经济方面的因素,应当有效的将历史街区的保护更新与开发利用相互结合。