- Who can use the card? 谁可以使用礼金卡?
- From that point on, the cardholder whose signature appears on the card is the only one who can use it. 签收后,署名在礼金卡上的持卡者是唯一可使用者。
- Well,if it's your credit card,call the credit card company right away,so nobody else can use the card. 如果掉得是信用卡,可以马上打电话给信用卡公司,这样就没有人能冒用了。
- A Nursery school teacher says to her class, "Who can use the word 'Definitely' in a sentence? 在一家幼儿园里,老师问同学们:“谁能够用‘肯定’这个词造句啊?
- You will be given a Personal Identification Number (PIN) so that you can use the card with the bank machine. 你会收到一个用户密码(PIN),并用它在银行机器上取钱。
- The wise, is the one who can use it's ears wisely. 聪者,是那些能够明智地运用它们的包罗万象的耳朵者。
- Right.You can also use the card of BIC. 听说可以用的,我正打算申请,要是不能用麻烦通知一下。
- Zhang minister announced loudly: "Who can use the sweet-scented osmanthus trees produce in one year planning Who is the emperor's successor. 张大臣大声宣布:“谁能用这些桂花树种在一年之内培育出规划,谁就是皇帝的继承人。”
- Who can think of another record we can use? 谁能想出我们可以用的其它记录?
- Who Can Use or Benefit From Pendulum Dowsing? 谁可以用或受益于灵摆探测?
- Passenger can use the ship's library. 乘客可借阅船上的藏书。
- You can use the money to buy anything you like. 这钱你喜欢什么就买点什么。
- We can use the additive property of the integral. 我们可利用积分的可加性。
- You can use the Internet to send E-mail messages. 你可以利用英特网发送电子邮件。
- Files were located by using the card indexes. 案卷是使用卡片索引查找的。
- Human being is nothing but coelenterate who can use tools. 人类还不是会使用工具的腔肠动物?
- Using the card for off duty in over-job time. 加班时间打卡下班的人员。
- You can use the chain that is in the garage. 你可以用车库里的铁链。
- In this case, you can use the name of your project. 在这种情况下,可以使用项目的名称。
- Teams can use the site to manage change projects. 小组可以利用它管理变革计划。