- Who was then Prime Minister? 谁是当时的首相?
- The then Prime Minister was a woman. 当时在任的是个女总理。
- Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia? 澳洲第一个总理是?
- Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada? 谁是加拿大第一位总理?
- Who was the first prime minister of Canada Sir John A. MacDonald. 加拿大的第一任首相是谁约翰麦当劳爵士。
- I've racked my brains all day and I still can't remember who was Prime Minister in 1952. 我冥思苦想了整整一天,但我仍然想不起1952年谁任首相。
- I've racked my brains all day and I still can't remember who was Prime Minister in1952. 我冥思苦想了整整一天,但我仍然想不起1952年谁任首相。
- The then Prime Minister Deuba was not in a position to do anything on the issue of constituent assembly. 可是当时的总理德乌帕却在制宪会议方面什么也没做。
- Who was Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1903, or President of the United States? 比如说1903年,时任英国的首相者,或者时任美国总统者?
- In 2006 Singapore's Temasek sparked a row in Thailand by buying the family telecoms business of the then prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra. 2006年,新加坡的淡马锡公司在收购泰国当时的首相他信的家族电讯产业时,引燃了激烈的争论。
- When A-delved and Eve spun,who was then the gentleman? 当亚当在耕田,夏娃在织布的时候,贵族老爷在何处?
- However, since the visit to Beijing in 2003 of India's then prime minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, relations have been on a more cordial footing. 然而,自从2003年时任印度总理的瓦杰帕伊访华后,双方关系正一步步地更加提升。
- Last month I met Holly, who was then preparing for a test. 上个月我碰到了霍丽,她当时正为一项测验做准备。
- He thought the Prime Minister a wise, honest man who was fitter for his officethan anyone else. 他认为丞相是个聪明、诚实的人,他比任何人都称职。
- Last month I met Holly ,who was then preparing for a test . 上个月我碰到了霍丽,她当时正为一项测验做准备。
- One big difference is that the previous episode of quantitative easing coincided with stringent budget-tightening under Junichiro Koizumi, the then prime minister. 一个很大的差异是早前的量化宽松是与前首相小泉纯一郎的严格的预算紧缩政策相一致的。
- When A-delved and Evespan, who was then the gentleman? 当亚当在耕田,夏娃在织布的时候,贵族老爷在何处?
- By early 2006, France's then prime minister, Dominique de Villepin, was blaming enlargement for the French rejection of the EU constitution in a referendum the previous summer. 到了2006年初,当时法国总理德维尓潘把拒绝前一年夏天的欧盟宪法公投的责任归罪于扩大。
- I wrote to Senator Nick Xenophon, who was then my local state MP. 我写信给参议员尼克.;色诺芬先生,他当时是我们的州下院议员。
- His live music performances have taken him around the globe to the US of A, South America, Europe and the Soviet Uniion, where he played for then prime minister Nikita Kruschev. 现在他则致力为不同题材的专辑创作,与大家分享他的生活中的点点滴滴。