- Who in hell is Perkins? 这个泊金斯究竟是谁?
- Who in hell is he? 他到底是谁?
- What in hell is this black thing? 这个黑色的东西到底是什么?
- The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality. 地狱中最炙热的位置是保留给那些身处重大道德危机时,却选择保持中立的人。
- It is hard to tell who is who in the parade. 在游行队伍中很难分清谁是谁。
- Sri Ranjit Maharaj: Hell is here, when you say "I am a body" you are in hell. 古鲁:地狱在此,当您说“我是一个身体”时您就在地狱。当您明白您不是这个身体时您就在天堂。
- Who in hell are you? 你究竟是谁?
- It is better to reign in hell than serve in heaven. 天堂为奴,不如地狱为主。
- Hell is paved with good intention. 地狱里满地都是好意。
- She is in thy bosom; and I am in hell for evermore. 现在她走进了你的怀抱,而我却永远地,永远地堕入了地狱。
- The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. 通往地狱之路是由良好的愿望铺成的。
- Nov...who in the hell understands men? 现在...到底有谁了解男人这东西?
- As wretched as I am, these Arabs believe that the chastisement that awaits me in hell is far more severe and lasting. 这些阿拉伯人相信像我这样的罪人,在地狱中所受惩罚要更严厉和持久。
- OW...WHO IN THE HELL UNDERSTaNDS MEN? 现在。。。。。。到底有谁了解男人这东西?
- Saying this, he stretches out his arm with a sparkling object in his blue palm. “What in hell is that?” Lorne says in a careless manner. 他伸出了他的细胳膊,罗恩看见那黑色的手掌上有一个闪亮的小东西。“这算什么?”他说。
- Now...Who in the hell understandes mens? 现在...到底有谁了解男人这东西?
- The difference between beaven and hell is that celestial beings are tolerant and helpful,whereas the beings in hell are selfish and calculating. 天堂及地狱之别,在于天堂的人本性肯容忍,帮助别人;地狱则自私,执著,凡事计较。
- Who in the world is that strange man? 那个陌生人到底是谁?
- Sri Ranjit Maharaj:Hell is here, when you say “I am a body”you are in hell; when you understand you are not this body, you are in heaven. 师:地狱在此,当您说“我是一个身体”时您就在地狱。当您明白此身非我时您就在天堂。
- The diference between heaven and hell is that celestial beings are tolerant and helpful, whereas the beings in hell are selfish and calculating. 天堂和地狱之别,在于天堂的人本性肯容忍,帮助别人;地狱则自私,凡事计较。