- Who gave them agate necklaces? [译:他们那个玛瑙錬谁给的?
- Who gave them the order to kill? 什么人指使军队去杀?
- Before their side departed for Lagos on Tuesday, they met with former president, and world icon Nelson Mandela, who gave them an encouraging send off. 星期二,在她们起程前往拉各斯之前,她们赫前总统全世界的偶像尼尔森曼德拉的会面,他为她们鼓励送行。
- The men’s lives were saved by Iroquois Indians who gave them vegetable leaves to eat. 该男子的生命得到拯救的易洛魁印第安人谁给了他们吃的蔬菜叶子。
- They particularly remember two brothers who put them up in their homes around Chester, and a motorcyclist who gave them water in the Utah desert. 在犹他沙漠中,一位驾车的人给他们水喝,对此,他们的印象十分深刻。
- Many members of Generation D feel disillusioned when they make sacrifices to repay lenders who gave them credit before they had well-paying, full-time jobs. 许多负债的一代在做出牺牲偿还放贷者在他们找到薪水不错的全职工作前所欠下的债务时,大失所望。
- Young children focus on the gratification they expect from relationships, describing friends as people who give them things or let them play with their toys. 因此在他们心目中,朋友就是送给他们礼物,并和他们分享自己的玩具的孩子。
- Who gave them power to do that? 谁赋予他们这个权力?
- Who gave them the right? 是谁给他们的特权?
- We can't give them our daughters as wives, since we Israelites have taken this oath:'Cursed be anyone who gives a wife to a Benjamite. 只是我们不能将自己的女儿给他们为妻;因为以色列人曾起誓说,有将女儿给便雅悯人为妻的,必受咒诅。
- Ninth, for the investigators who give large investments or play a leading role and the technology talents with outstanding contribution, we will give them some honor titles with their permission. (九)凡投资额较大或带动作用较强的投资者以及贡献特别突出的科技人才,经本人同意,给予一定的荣誉称号和名誉称号。
- All eyes are always on Dirk Nowitzki, and how he handles the pressure as the anointed superstar and high scorer, but Howard is the one player who gives them that extra pop. 场上诺维斯基吸引了全部的注意,诺维斯基深受“巨星”光环和“第一得分手”压力的困扰,这个时候,霍华德能挺身而出给于帮助。
- He was the big shot who gave orders. 他是一个发号施令的大人物。
- Did he take away the jade bracelets and agate necklace I gave you last week? 他有没有拿走上个礼拜我给你的玉镯子和玛瑙项链?
- He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip. 他是个威风凛凛发号施令的强悍的家伙,是个大人物。
- He was inclined to give them a free hand. 他倾向于放手让他们干。
- In private, I gave them my candid opinion. 私下里,我对他们直言相告。
- Our ambition is to give them a beau ideal of a welcome. 我们很想给他们以一次最隆重的欢迎。
- Wet the windows and then give them a good clean. 把玻璃窗弄湿,然后擦擦乾净。
- I polished my shoes to give them a gloss. 我擦了皮鞋使其光亮。