- Who call you no money? 谁叫你没钱?
- This persuasion is not of Him who calls you. 8这劝导不是出于那召你们的。
- Gal. 5:8 This persuasion is not of Him who calls you. 加五8这劝导不是出于那召你们的。
- When there is no one in the office, you can leave the answering machine on so that people who call you up can leave a message. 办公室没有人的时候,你可以让留言机开着,以便给你打电话的人可以留言。
- That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. 这样的劝导不是出于那召你们的。
- A year in America will cost you no end of money. 在美国住一年要花很多的钱。
- As I had no money with me, I made a collect call. 因为身上没钱,我打了一个由对方付款的电话。
- You no longer have anything in common with someone who keeps calling you, but you hate to just zap the relationship. 你和某个人再也没有共同的话题,但是你就是不愿意彻底的断绝关系。
- If you're on the scrounge again, I've no money. 你要是再想借钱,我可没有了。
- I have no money to lend you; I am dead broke myself. 我可没钱借给你,我自己现在连一个子儿也没有了。
- As soon as I have time, I will call you up. 我一有空,就会打电话给你。
- You can kiss goodbye to a holiday this year we've no money! 今年你别指望度假了--咱们没钱!
- I will call you up some other day. 过几天我给你打电话。
- She certainly bears you no malice. 她对你的确并无恶意。
- You've got no money, and you want to compete with those who have. 你没有钱,何苦要跟有钱的阔佬争胜要强。
- Let me jot down your telephone number so that I can call you later. 让我记下你的号码,以后好打电话给你。
- Don't open the door, no matter who calls! 无论谁来,都不要开门!
- Have you no scruples about buying stolen goods? 你买赃物就毫无顾忌吗?
- What about God?Can we depend on Him?The Bible says in I Thessalonians 5:24, “Faithful is he who calls you who also will do it. 当你听完今天的“健康检查”,请你去听“怎样能成为神的孩子”,今天你就可以相信主耶稣,让他来救赎你,把你从罪中拯救出来。
- A few drinks will do you no harm. 喝几杯不会对你有害的。