- One who advocates or attempts to stir up war. 好战份子大肆宣传或欲鼓动起战争的人
- English theosophist, philosopher, and political figure who advocated home rule and educational reforms in India. 贝赞特,安妮 伍德1847-1933英国理论诡辩家、哲学家和政治人物,在印度鼓吹本土统治和教育改革
- Voters regard Mr McCain, who advocated the surge in Iraq before it was fashionable, as the more plausible commander-in-chief. 选民们重视麦凯恩先生,像大部分似是而非的领袖那样,他很早以前就鼓吹进攻伊拉克。
- English economist who advocated the use of government monetary and fiscal policy to maintain full employment without inflation (1883-1946). 主张运用政府货币政策和财务方针来消除通货膨胀维持各行业的英国经济学家(1883-1946)。
- The Chinese leadership's crackdown no doubt chagrined those in democracies who advocated giving China the games. 中国领导人的镇压无疑使那些生活在民主政体下又主张由中国主办奥运会的人懊恼不已。
- One who advocates partition of a country. 鼓吹政治瓜分的人
- One who advocates or practices utilitarianism. 功利主义者提但或实行实用主义的人
- Roosevelt's conservatism, moreover, was manifested in his insistence upon continuity and his abhorrence of men who advocated unnatural change. 此外,罗斯福的保守的思想,还表现在他坚持连续性,深恶那些鼓吹不自然的改革的人。
- Xu Rundi (1760-1827), father of Xu Jiyu, was a scholar during the Qing dynasty who advocated a "free and natural method" of thought. 徐润第(1760-1827),继畬之父,清代学者,探本陆王,归宿于傅山,提倡“空灵法界”。
- Swiss theologian who advocated Protestant ecumenism and stressed the importance of revelation in the relationship between God and the individual. 布鲁纳,(亨利希)埃米尔:(1889-1966)瑞士神学家,提倡新教普世教会主义,强调上帝和个人的联系中神启的重要性
- A person who advocates government by an aristocracy. 赞成贵族的一个主张贵族统治的人
- Emperor of Japan(1926-1989) who advocated the Japanese government's unconditional surrender that ended World War II(1945). In1946 he renounced his divine status. 裕仁日本天皇(1926年-1989年),在第二次世界大战中主张日本政府无条件投降,从而结束了这场战争1946年他放弃了自己的神圣地位
- One who advocates the abolition of social inequities. 平等主义者提倡消灭社会不平等现象的人
- And he says Fernandez, who advocated more integration into society and new technologies, like some implants, to help the deaf hear, threatened that view. 他称F,提倡更多的融入社会和利用新技术,比如耳蜗移植来帮助聋哑人恢复听力,却威胁了之前的观点。
- Mr. Chen, who advocated more independence from China while he was president, says current President Ma Ying-jeou wants to put him in jail to appease China. 陈水扁在担任总统期间主张更加独立于中国;他说,现任总统马英九要把他投入监狱是为了取悦于中国。
- In this, she too shadows Mr Coase, who argued that those who advocated government ownership of common resources ignored the transaction costs associated with collecting taxes. 科斯曾认为那些主张政府拥有公共资源的人必然忽略了税收的交易成本,所以在这方面,她也是科斯的追随者。
- One who advocates the recovery of territory culturally or historically related to one's nation but now subject to a foreign government. 领土收复主义者主张收回在文化上和历史上皆和自己的国家有联系但现在受外国政府控制的领土的人
- I strictly criticise those country leader who advocate crossover. 我强力谴责提倡及鼓吹跳槽论的领袖。
- One who advocates a moderate or conservative approach, action, or policy, as in a political or governmental organization. 保守派,少数派在政治或政府组织中宣扬中间或保守的路线、行动或政策的人
- British politician and prime minister(1937-1940) who advocated a policy of appeasement toward the fascist regimes of Europe. He was forced to declare war on Germany after its invasion of Poland in1939. 张伯伦,(约瑟夫)奥斯特1863-1937英国政治家,因协助签订《洛迦诺公约》获1925年诺贝尔和平奖