- She decided on a blue tie with white spot for her. 她给丈夫选了一条蓝底白点的领带。
- She resembles the Venus De Milo: she is very old, has no teeth, and has white spot on her yellow skin. 她象那美洛斯的维纳斯,年纪老、掉了牙、黄色的皮肤上还有一点点白斑。
- If we image a white spot, the image will have color. 如果我们把一个白的光点成像,其像将含有颜色。
- The behavior Of the occupying territorial song Of spotted dove was responsive.Furthermore, the sequences of singing in each roosting situs were similar. 其鸣唱具有应答性,且每次在各栖位点的鸣唱顺序大致相同;
- Is white spot having on fingernail how one and the same? 指甲上起白点是怎么一回事?
- Can I apply Pure White Spot Corrector around the eyes? 重点淡斑精华可以使用于眼部周围肌肤吗?
- Spot leaf yew podocarpus, face of blade has white spot. 斑叶罗汉松,叶面有白色斑点。
- The man is beaten black and blue, that you can't see a white spot about him. 这人被打得边体鳞伤,全身没一块好肉。
- Pharynx and larynx grows white spot, can see but do not ache, what be? 咽喉长白点,可以看见但不疼,是什么?
- She was wearing a black skirt with white spots. 她穿着一条黑底白点的裙子。
- There are white spots on your tonsils. 你的扁桃腺有白色斑点。
- What if i get white spots on my teeth? 假如牙齿上有了白色班点怎么办啊?
- Vitiligo is a skin disease causeing the loss of pigmentation in which patients develop white spot in the skin. 白癫风是一种皮肤病,其患者皮肤失去天然颜色,产生白色斑点。
- She resembles the Venus de Milo: she is very old, has no teeth, and has white spots on her yellow skin. 她像那美洛斯的维纳斯,年纪老、掉了牙、黄色的皮肤上还有一点点白斑。
- Designing idea: This work portrays a wild and energetic kid's image . Materials are black denim, printed georgette ,and black with white spotted cotton fabric . 设计构思:作品反映了一个充满野性和激情的儿童世界,面料选用的是黑斜纹布料,其上附有一层乔其纱,以及黑色带有白点的纯棉布料,表现了动感、激情、活泼、狂野的新时代儿童。
- Vitiligo is a skin disease causing the loss of pigmentation in which patients develop white spots in the skin. 白癫风是一种皮肤病,其患者皮肤失去天然颜色,产生白色斑点。
- The coat is liver and white, usually either liver and white spotted, liver roan, liver and white spotted with ticking and roaning or solid liver. 被毛颜色为肝色和白色,通常,肝色或白色斑点,肝色杂毛,肝色或白色斑点在纯肝色或肝色杂色上,都可以。
- ColorThe coat is liver and white, usually either liver and white spotted, liver roan, liver and white spotted with ticking and roaning or solid liver. 颜色] 被毛颜色为肝色和白色,通常,肝色或白色斑点,肝色杂毛,肝色或白色斑点在纯肝色或肝色杂色上,都可以。
- Leaves small, petiolate, alternate on annual twigs, fascicled on dwarf shoots, scabrous, adaxially white spotted, margin coarsely dentate. 在一年生草本上的小,具叶柄,互生的叶小枝,在矮小嫩枝上,粗糙,白色斑点,边缘粗牙齿。
- She resemble the venus de milo: she is very old , have no teeth , and have white spot on her yellow skin . 她象那美洛斯的维纳斯,年纪老、掉了牙、黄色的皮肤上还有一点点白斑。