- All of them were left from the Far East White Russian period. 都是远东白俄罗斯时期留下的。
- The Dwarf Winter White Russian is sometimes also known as the Siberian Hamster. 有时,多瓦夫冬白俄罗斯仓鼠也被叫做西伯利亚仓鼠。
- He never thought at the time that the foreign wife was a White Russian that Han had wed in China. 他当时也没想到这外国老婆是在中国娶的白俄。
- The Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster is so called because of its tendency to turn white in the winter. 多瓦夫冬白俄罗斯仓鼠的得名,是由于它的毛色会在冬季变白。
- Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters do not normally breed when in their winter white coat. 视个体不同,毛色有的会变浅,有的会部分变白,有的则会全部变白。
- Of an affair with a White Russian officer in Jiamusi. Forlorn but lilting syllables All the matrons cursed her in every city. 在佳木斯曾跟一个白俄军官混过一种淒然的韻律每个妇人诅咒她在每个城里。
- Both the Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster and the Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster are sometimes labelled as Djungarian Hamsters. 多瓦夫坎贝尔俄罗斯仓鼠和多瓦夫冬白俄罗斯仓鼠有时都被称作加卡利亚仓鼠。
- In captivity the Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster is a sociable pet and will live with another of its own kind if they are introduced when young. 最为宠物的多瓦夫冬白俄罗斯仓鼠之间如果在幼年时便相互熟悉,那么它们便可以在一起很好的生活。
- The Dwarf Winter White Russian originates from Eastern Kazakhstan and South West Siberia where it lives amongst grassy steppes. 多瓦夫冬白俄罗斯仓鼠生活在东哈萨克斯坦和西西伯利亚的大草原上。
- At night long lines of taxis wait outside the city nightclubs, as in black-and-white movies, and ought to be driven by refugee White Russian dukes. 晚上,出租车等在上海各家夜总会的外面,排成几条长队,像黑白电影中一样,这些车应该由避难的白俄罗斯伙计驾驶。
- Its a milkdrink with taste of egg and coffee. The name is because its much like White Russian, like a neighbour, but a bit more yellow in apperance. 这是一款鸡蛋;咖啡味道的牛奶饮品;因为非常与白俄罗斯很接近;唯一的不同是颜色呈黄色.
- The strains of the balalaika and snatches of a soft melancholy song drifted across the chilly night, probably from a young White Russian emigre girl, singing for her living. 一声二声清脆的歌音,带着哀调,从静寂的深夜的冷空气里传到我的耳膜上来。 这大约是俄国的飘泊的少女,在那里卖钱的歌唱。
- Some people say she's a White Russian, but others insist she's a Jew who became a refugee after Austria was annexed to Germany.Her husband claims she's American. 有人说她是白俄,有人说她是这次奥国归并德国以后流亡出来的犹太人,她丈夫说她是美国人。
- It was not for some months that a White Russian investigator, Nicholas Sokolov, found a place in the forest which showed signs of wheels, fires, hooves. 可当一名白俄调查员尼古拉斯·索科罗夫发现林中有一处有车轮、火烧和马蹄痕迹时,时间已过去了几个月。
- Lovely white Russian (samoyed)sledge dog pups,like small polar bears,most gentle and affectionate. Splendid coats and tails. Very rare.Parents imported. 可爱的俄国白色小雪橇犬,像小北极熊,温和而又可爱,壮丽的背毛和尾巴。非常珍贵,父母是进口的。
- The Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster is sociable and will live with others of its own kind in single or mixed sex groups provided that hamsters are introduced at a young age. 多瓦夫冬白俄罗斯仓鼠善于交际,可自己单身独立生活,也可和在幼年时便熟悉的不同性别的多个仓鼠集体生活。
- The Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster was first recorded in 1770 and were later kept and bred as laboratory animals in Germany by Klaus Hofmann in the 1960s. 最早关于多瓦夫冬白俄罗斯仓鼠的纪录始于1770年。
- I know of a wonderful new pleasure-garden run by a White Russian emigre-Rio Rita's. They've got good wine and good music, and there are White Russian princesses, princes' daughters, imperial concubines and ladies-in-waiting to dance attendance on you. 我知道有几个白俄的亡命客新辟一个游乐的园林,名叫丽娃丽妲村,那里有美酒,有音乐,有旧俄罗斯的公主郡主贵嫔名媛奔走趋承;
- It was a letter without signature, a very wise, human letter, not one from a White Russian but full of bitterness against the evergrowing restriction of freedom furing recent years. 这封匿名信的处理方式为焚烧,写信人交代,不能撕,就算是撕碎了,还会从垃圾筐里找出来重拼。
- I heard John was the republican's great white hope. 我听说约翰是共和党人寄予巨大希望的人。