- VOA White House correspondent Scotts Stone reports. 美国之音驻白宫记者司各特斯通报道。
- VOA White House correspondent Paula Wolfson reports from Seoul - the first stop on his weeklong trip. 他还将在北京参加奥运会的开幕仪式。
- VOA White House correspondent Scott Stearns reports opposition Democrats say oil companies should start by using offshore leases they already hold. 美国反对党民主党说,石油公司应该着手利用他们已持有的开采租约进行近海石油开采。
- VOA White House correspondent Scott Stearns reports fourteen terror suspects have now been transferred to the US-NATO base of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 布什首次承认有秘密监狱由中央情报机构运作,控制最高恐怖嫌犯,要求国会同意成立军事委员会判他们进监狱。
- Ken Walsh, the veteran White House correspondent for U.S. News and World Report magazine, says there is certain poignancy when a president prepares to leave the spotlight. 最近,布什总统表示,他已经预备好,回到德克萨斯州,开始一个普通公民的生活.;不过,他的助手们说,他们察觉到布什的语气中有一丝失落感
- NBC has named David Gregory to become permanent moderator on "Meet the Press". Gregory, the NBC News chief White House correspondent calls it "an incredible honor" to replace Tim Russert. 美国国家广播公司已任命大卫.;格里高利为“会晤新闻界”节目的常任主持。格里高利是NBC新闻台驻白宫首席记者,他表示,能接任蒂姆
- At the White House correspondents' dinner this month, Mr Obama was the guest of honour. 在本月召开的记者招待晚会上,奥巴马总统尊为荣誉嘉宾。
- US First Lady Laura Bush has upstaged her husband at the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner with a string of jokes at his expense. 在我的生活里,劳拉一直起著镇定我情绪的影响,在我处理重大决策的时候,她给我慰藉。
- In the middle of telling a joke that most at the annual White House Correspondents Association dinner had heard before, president Bush was interrupted by the First Lady Laura Bush. 布什总统在白宫记者协会年度晚宴的讲台上,讲一个在座的大多数人以前已经听过的老笑话,第一夫人劳拉·布什打断了布什总统的讲话。
- Bush finally heading to White House. 美国大选落幕,小布什入主白宫。
- The White House has denied the report. 白宫已否认这一报道。
- The President met with senior White House aides at breakfast. 早餐时总统会见了白宫的高级助手。
- The president meet with senior white house aide at breakfast. 早餐时总统会见了白宫的高级助手。
- The White House spokesman was noncommittal on this question. 白宫发言人对这个问题不置可否。
- There are many visitors to the White House every year. 每年参观白宫的游客很多。
- Neo-conservative were heavily represented at the White House. 新保守派在白宫的代表很多。
- He was the first pope to visit the White House. 他是访问白宫的第一位教皇。
- He was summoned to the White House. 他被总统召进了白宫。
- The White House received a blizzard of phone calls. 白宫接到连续不断的电话。
- White House correspondent 驻白宫记者