- White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. 白宫总参谋长:安德鲁
- The present White House chief of staff, Joshua Bolten, is another former Goldman Sachs employee. 现任白宫办公厅主任约书亚·博尔滕也曾是高盛职员。
- Ten minutes later, Obama's White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, came in to discuss the schedule of today's events. 十分钟以后,奥巴马的白宫幕僚长拉姆.;伊曼纽尔进来讨论当天的时间安排。
- In the end, the White House came around, thanks to John Sununu, who was then the White House chief of staff. 最后,受益于当时的白宫办公厅主任约翰.;苏努努,总统的人改变态度,表示了同意。
- Just before the economic conference, I announced that Mack McLarty would be White House chief of staff. 就在经济会议召开之前,我宣布麦克.;麦克拉蒂将担任白宫办公厅主任。
- Also included in a "Barack's Beauties" section were White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and others. 此外,白宫总管拉姆?伊曼纽尔和财政部长蒂莫西?盖特纳等跻身排行榜的“巴拉克最美人物”单元。
- Also, Bush's press secretary submits his resignation as the new White House chief of staff exercises his restructuring clout. 同时,布什的新闻秘书辞去他的白宫幕僚长官以对改组行使影响。
- White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten is to meet with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Thursday. 白宫办公厅主任博尔顿星期四与参议院多数党领袖里德和少数党领袖麦康奈尔会面。
- Appearing the CBS television program "Face the Nation," White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel said health care reform is crucial to reviving the U.S. economy. 白宫办公厅主任拉姆.;伊曼纽尔在接受哥伦比亚广播公司电视采访的时候指出,医疗改革对振兴美国的经济至关重要。
- Without the two-thirds majority needed to over-ride the president's veto, Democrats began negotiating a new spending bill with White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten. 由于无法取得推翻总统否决所需的三分之二多数票,民主党开始同白宫高层人员。
- Q. and did not keep it a secret.The combative former New Hampshire governor and White House Chief of staff made many enemies in Congress, eschewing diplomacy for confrontation. 这位好斗的新罕布什尔州前州长和白宫办公厅主任,宁愿对抗而刻意不用外交手腕,在国会里树敌很多。
- Other members of the Obama administration gave speeches as well. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel spoke at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. 奥巴马政府的其他成员也同样在各处做演讲.;白宫参谋长(这个称呼好像太中国化了;不知道相应的美国职位该怎么翻译)拉姆
- One of them was Mack McLarty, son of the local Ford dealer, later governor of Boys State, all-star quarterback, state legislator, successful businessman, and then my first White House chief of staff. 其中一个孩子名叫麦克.;麦克拉蒂,他父亲是当地福特汽车的经销商,他自己则先后成为一名军训夏令营营长、全明星队四分卫、州议员、成功商人、我的第一位白宫办公厅主任。
- Newsweek said the problem prompted Josh Bolten, White House chief of staff, to call David Plouffe, Mr Obama's campaign manager, and say: “You have a real problem ... you have to deal with it. 据报道,特工们曾警告奥巴马竞选团队:“问题远远超过了你们的理解,你们受到了攻击,大量文件被从你们的系统中下载。”
- Newsweek said the problem prompted Josh Bolten, White House chief of staff, to call David Plouffe, Mr Obama's campaign manager, and say: "You have a real problem...you have to deal with it. 据报道,特工们曾警告奥巴马竞选团队:"问题远远超过了你们的理解,你们受到了攻击,大量文件被从你们的系统中下载。"
- White House chief of staff 白宫首席顾问
- "Let me caveat that for you",said Al Haig,Chief of Staff in Nixon's White House. “让我来警告你,”尼克松当政期间的白宫主管艾尔·黑格说。
- "Let me caveat that for you", said Al Haig, Chief of Staff in Nixon's White House. “让我来警告你,,’艾尔·黑格,尼克松当政期间的白宫主管说。
- Yesterday he announced his first White House appointment, Illinois congressman Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff. 昨天他宣布了他的首个白宫内阁成员,任命伊利诺伊州国会议员伊曼纽尔为幕僚长。
- Two days after he announced his expanded transition team he also made an important White House appointment: Rahm Emanuel to be his chief of staff. 两天后,奥巴马宣布他将扩大过渡小组,同时做出了一项重要的白宫任命:任命艾曼纽为其陆空军司令。