- Teaching Aproaces of Lushan National University and White Deer Cave Academy 庐山国学和白鹿洞书院的教学方式
- White Deer Cave Rhyme-prose 白鹿洞诗
- There are contents in rhyme prose of the Han Dynasty reflected the ecology of that fine, which also refracted from a special angle the social ecological ideas of that fime. 摘要汉赋作品中有反映当时生态环境的内容,也从特殊角度折射出当时社会生态观念的闪光点。
- There he saw the white deer, but he could no more catch it than he could catch a fading rainbow. 他果然看到一只白鹿,但是,他无能为力,这无疑就像是要抓住一道迅速消失的彩虹。
- The history book recorded, emperor of Han dynasty Liu Che , in order to treat the face sore, ridding White Deer searches in all places. 世传汉武帝拜谒王母,因貌丑戏之,王母唾之,面生奇疮,久治不愈。
- According to the British team, the cave is larger than the Deer Cave in Sarawak, Malaysia, which at more than 100m high and 90m wide is currently recognized as the world's largest cave. 该洞穴高200米,宽150米,比当前公认世界最大的鹿洞还大。鹿洞位于马来西亚的沙捞越,高100多米,宽90米。
- The Eco-mood of Rhyme Prose of the Han Dynasty 汉赋的绿色意境
- rhyme prose studies conducted in the Tang Dynasty 唐代赋学思想
- In an old legend, hunters from the Thao tribe discovered this Shangrila while chasing a rare white deer, and the whole tribe settled in the area, now called ‘Lalu Island’. 古老传说中,邵族猎人因追逐一只稀有白鹿而发现这个世外桃源,之后全族即在目前称为“拉鲁岛”的地区定居下来。
- the resarch of ode and rhyme prose 辞赋研究
- Fu, the rhymed prose, was developed in the early part of the Han Dynasty. 摘要大赋发生于汉初,直接动因有二:其一,入汉士人出于天生的社会责任心,不忘刺世;
- About the origin of the name Ali, there is this story in circulation: Once upon a time, the Gaoshan or High Mountain Tribe had a chieftain whose name was A'Ba'Li. While giving chase to a white deer one day, he arrived at this spot. 提到阿里山名称的由来,在台湾流传着这样一个故事。 很久以前,一位名叫阿巴里的高山族首领,追猎一只白鹿来到这里。
- Rhymed prose of the Sung, Yuan and Ming Dynasty Sung Ci and Sanqu were the pop songs in ancient times but have turned into literary treasure of today. 宋词、元明散曲是昔日的流行曲,今日的文学瑰宝。
- Zhu Xi And the White Deer Hollow Academy 朱熹与白鹿洞书院
- The Cloud Unfolds and Out Comes the White Deer 拨开云雾见白鹿
- "Announcement in the White Deer Hole Academy" 白鹿洞书院揭示
- Regarding the Disintegration and Integration between the Rhyme Prose and the Songs of the South State 论赋学与楚辞学的分合
- Approaching the Witchcraft in The Songs of Chu and the Rhyme Prose in Han Dynasty 楚辞、汉赋之巫技巫法综探
- From Lushan National Institute to White Deer Hollow Academy 从庐山国学到白鹿洞书院
- The White Deer Hollow Academy, A Model of Acdemic Culture in China 白鹿洞书院:中国书院文化的典范