- White Dew [15th solar term] 白露
- And the white dew is turned into hoarfrost . 蒹葭采采、白露未已。所谓伊人、在水之涘。
- The reeds and rushes are luxuriant, and the white dew is not yet dry. 蒹葭淒淒、白露未晞。
- White Dew: The temperature at night reaches the dew-point to form dew. 白露:夜间温度可达到成露的条件。
- It is getting cold after Cold Dew (the 17th of the 24th solar terms, on the 8th or 9th of October). 寒露一到,天气就要转凉了。
- Juncus effusus then said that the company had discussions with the White Dew House, the tree can wall between the two areas. 蔺当时表示,公司已经与白露雅园商量好,两个小区之间可以树围墙。
- The day is marked with Great Heat, a solar term meaning the hottest days of the summer season. 当日是农历大暑
- After crossing this solar terms, winter's footsteps have been getting more and more near, the proverb has “Cold Dew not to calculate coldly, the hoar frost descending clouded over” view. 过了这个节气后,冬天的脚步就越来越近了,俗语有“寒露不算冷,霜降变了天”的说法。
- The Winter Solstice is one of the lunar calendar's solar terms. 冬至是中国农历的一个节气。
- Basis of archaic China astronomer the metabolic rule of climate, it is minutes a year 24 solar term, every two weeks decide a solar term, solstitial it is a among them. 古代中国天文学家根据气候的变化规律,把一年分为二十四节气,每两个星期定一个节气,冬至就是其中的一个。
- The Lesser Fullness of Grain, the 8th of the 24 solar terms is coming, and it is becoming very hot. 小满快到了,天气越来越热了。
- Inside the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests,24 Pillars the eave represent the 24 solar terms. 祈年殿内,象征二十四节气的粗大立柱,环绕支撑着大殿穹顶。
- On one of the 24 solar terms, March 5th,6th or 7th, it is the custom to eat pears. 在惊蛰这一天民间有吃梨的习俗。
- The12 gilded pillars and the 12 outer eave pillars together represent the 24 solar terms of the year. 加上龙井柱梁枋上的的八根雷公柱,这里大小36个柱子暗喻着36天罡。
- Research of solar term load forecast method 节气负荷预测方法研究
- Special Tibetan calendar through season solar term 独具特色的藏历时令节气
- The reeds and rushes are abundant, and the white dew is not yet ceased 蒹葭采采、白露未已。
- Great cold(24th solar term);severe cold 大寒(节气)
- the Walking of Insects [3rd solar term] 惊蜇
- Frozen dew that forms a white coating on a surface. 白霜露珠结冰后在物体表面形成的白膜