- Whether its true or fake. 是真是假又如何?
- But fake beauty is beauty as well.Their chests fluctuating, whether true or fake, could excite the men around them at this time. 她们胸前的起伏荡漾,无论是真的还是假的,在这个时候都可以刺激到在她们身边的男人们。
- He does not know whether its programming is true or false,right or wrong,whether it's set to lead him to success or destruction,whether it serves his goals or those of some evil,unknowable power. 他不知道所编制的程序是正确还是谬误,是对还是错;也不知它会将他引向成功还是失败,不知道它是在为他的目标服务,还是为一些邪恶的、他并不了解的力量服务。
- In conclusion, it is difficult to judge the astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits are true or fake, helpful or harmful. 总结:考虑到是第一次写,嘿嘿。我觉得思路听清晰的,重要的是语言。
- One key to the case is whether the letter is real or fake. 我们这个案子关键的一个链环就是这封信的真伪。
- We must confirm whether it is true or not. 我们必须确认那是不是真的。
- I am not certain whether it is true or not. 我没有把握这是否如此。
- It is doubtful whether the rumor is true or not. 谢意是否真实难以确定。
- Whether true or false,the story is interesting. 不管故事是真是假,它很有趣。
- How can you tell it is genuine or fake? 您怎么知道真假?
- Not true or constant to one's sexual partner. 通奸的对性伴侣不忠实或改变的
- I'm not certain whether it is true or not. 我没有把握这是否如此。
- Something that is offered in a manner that conceals its true nature or value. 在形式上掩盖了真实特性或价值的东西
- Try and see the matter is its true colours. 要力争看清事情的真相。
- Whether it's true or not is hard to tell. 很难说究竟是真的还是假的.
- Measure (the rotor) to see whether its diameter is within tolerance or not. 测量(转子),看它的直径是否在公差允许范围之内。
- But he has no idea of its true power. 但他并不知道那东西真正的力量。
- He saw the matter in its true light. 他明明白白地看清这回事的真相。
- Whether they are true or not is irrelevant. 这些故事是否是真实,则无关要旨。
- Thus,please do not plagiarize my style or fake my username. 因此,请不要模仿我的风格或者假冒我的用户名。