- To boldly go where no one has gone before. 勇敢做开路先锋。
- Elegance is a combination of simplicity, efficiency, brilliance, experience, good taste and pride of being “where no one has gone before”. 优雅是简洁、效率、鲜明、有经验、好味道和让人自豪(有前无古人的感觉)这些的综合。
- In short, if it's new, uncharted territory, if you feel that you're boldly going where no one has gone before - yourself in particular - then you're game. 简而言之,只要是新奇的东西,特别是没人敢尝试的玩意,妳都愿意大胆一博。
- Where No One Has Gone Before 人类不曾到过的地方
- This engine will let us go boldly where no man has gone before. 这个引擎能让我们勇敢地航向前人所未知的领域。
- People like to be able to do something that hasn't been done before. You go where no man has gone before. 人们喜欢去尝试前所未有的事情。走别人没走过的路。
- Adventure(冒险);freedom;go where no one has ever been;reach the top;enjoy nature;exercise;the excitement of newness. 冒险,自由,探索人迹罕至的地方,勇攀顶点,享受自然,锻炼体魄,寻求新奇刺激。
- And dental floss can go where no brush has gone before: between teeth, along the gumline. 而牙线可以进到牙刷不能到达的地方:牙间隙,牙龈边沿。
- And before you leave the market place, see that no one has gone his way with empty hands. 在你们离开市场之前,要确知没有一个人空手归去。
- We should dream the impossible dream, win the unbeatable fight, defeat the undefeatable foe, and go boldly where no man has gone before. 我们应该实现不可能的梦想,赢下赢不了的战斗,打败不可战胜的敌人,去从没有人去过的地方。
- Even the most careful brushing reaches only three-fifths of all tooth surfaces.And dental floss can go where no brush has gone before: between teeth, along the gumline. 因为即使最认真地刷牙也只能刷到所有牙齿表面的五分之三,而牙线能够到达牙刷从没到过的地方:牙缝和牙龈线附近。
- His style is a nonstop adventure where no one has to worry about washing their hands, eating vegetables, or getting cavities. 他的风格是持续不断的探险,在这过程中,没有人需要操心孩子是不是洗手了,是不是吃蔬菜了,或者会不会长蛀牙。
- Perhaps so, but if he really believes in what he said, he'll invest as necessary for human spacecraft to “boldly go” on “five year mission[s]” to “where no[one] has gone before. 也许是吧,但是如果他真的坚信自己所说的话,那他就要进行必要的投资来支持载人太空船为了“五年的任务”“勇敢的前往”“前人未曾踏足的地方”。
- We are not living in a paradise where no one has any problems or anything to do any longer, where there are no hurdles, weariness or burdens. 我们没有生活在毫无烦恼的天堂,哪里不需要工作,哪里没有障碍、疲倦与负担?
- Going maybe where no other actor has gone before," Star Trek" star William Shatner has sold a piece of his body for charity. 日前,在《星际迷航记》电视剧中扮演船长的美国老牌演员威廉·纳以2.;5万美元的价格将自己的肾结石卖给“黄金宫”网站。夏纳将把这笔钱捐赠给“人类环境”慈善会,用于为贫困者修建房屋。
- A thing which scarcely exists in the savage state,where no one has much more than absolute necessaries,and in case of deficiency must share even those with his tribe. 这在野蛮状态下是罕见的,那时无人拥有绝对必需品以外的物品,匮乏时连绝对必需品也必须和部落其他成员共享。
- The master sentimentalist has made a dark, menacing film, a lean and disturbing western with some modern subtexts that goes where no Ron Howard film has gone before. 这位伤感主义大师拍了一部阴暗、险恶的作品,一部贫瘠、不安的西部片,其间夹杂着一些Ron Howard之前从未表现过的现代潜台词。
- The boat has gone adrift and there is no one board! 小船漂走了,船上一个人也没有人了。
- Having boldly gone where no spud has gone before, Chinese space potatoes are now the latest culinary fad to hit the country's ultra-trendy major city of Shanghai. 中国太空马铃薯勇敢地向空前之境迈进,如今成为最新美食潮流,席捲上海这个超级时尚重镇。
- Even though the team managed only a fourth placing,a warm sense of pride fills the heart because it came so far where no one had expected. 韩国队最终在排名赛中获得第四名。但是,大家心里依然充满自豪感。在赛前,根本没有人预料韩国队会打入四强。