- When Your Body Gets the Blues 当你的身体出现抑郁
- This '50 plus' Multivitamin is a convenient way of ensuring that your body gets the vitamins and minerals it needs. 尤其是当我们考虑到,无论我们如何吃东西,我们的食物往往前往数千英里才能到达目的地,从而降低其营养价值。
- Let your body get used to the temperature change! 让你的身体适应温度的变换!
- He assures to us that we will get the blue print in time. 他向我们保证我们将及时得到蓝图。
- Paulus said.?When you decide to go outside on a cold day, your body gets ready before you hit the cold air,? he said. 当你决定是在寒冷的一天出去,你的躯体在你接触冷天气之前就做好了准备,比如血压升高以提高新陈代谢。
- Gets the blue component value of this. 结构的蓝色分量值。
- When your body is tired, a good night's sleep will revive you. When you're spirit is weary, you'll need something more. 等你的身体疲惫的时候,好好睡一觉你就会恢复体力,但等你感到精神疲惫的时候,就远不是睡一觉能解决问题的。
- I've got the blues And up above it's so fair. 我心情不好,可是天空看起来却很晴朗。
- They used to call what I've got the blues. 人们说我患了忧郁症。
- It is hard to communicate when your language is not in resonance with the parts of your body that are ailing. 当你的语言和你生病的身体部位所说的语言并不和谐的时候,就会难以沟通。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- I get the blues every time I hear that song. 每次我听那首歌时心里总感忧郁.
- Check your body position to make sure your hands are higher than your head and then...when your body is stable and aligned...start your next pulldown. 检查你的身体位置,确认你的双手高于你的头,你的身体稳定并呈一直线.......再开始你下一次水下划水。
- As I said above, it’s only when your body is in caloric deficit (you burn more calories than you eat) that it really taps into fat as a fuel source. 就像我前面所说的,只有当你的身体的卡路里的供应不足的时候(你消耗的卡路里比你摄入的多)你身体的脂肪才能转化成热量消耗掉。
- And when your temperature finally begins to return to normal, you may sweat profusely, which is your body's way of dissipating the excess heat. 在你的体温最后开始达到正常的时候,你也许会大量地出汗,这是你的身体释放高温产生热量的方式。
- So here are a few food combination tips to help your body get maximum benefit from the nutritional quality of foods consumed. 这里提供一些关于食物搭配的小窍门,有助于机体最大限度的吸收食物的营养价值。
- Get the Blues: Denim chambray shirts are huge this season and look cool tucked into your favorite faded jeans. 蓝色牛仔:这个时节充斥着大量的粗布牛仔衬衣,把这种上衣塞进你钟爱的褪色牛仔裤内会显得很酷。
- When your body is taking a test,apply to your face with a piece of mango masque,whice is specially designed for you with mango extract,allantoin and hyaluronic acid. 趁您的身体会展之时,请使用特制的芒果水果面膜,其中含芒果提取液、尿囊素和透明质酸。
- He assured us that we will get the blue print in time. 他向我们保证我们将及时得到蓝图。
- By coming out of “sleep” mode more naturally, you help your body get off to a more relaxing start to a more energized day. 通过用更自然地方式从“睡眠”模式中出来,你就可以帮助身体从更轻松的起点出发渡过精力更充沛的一天。